Journal of the British Astronomical Association. Vol.107 Iss.4

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- 1996Presidential Address
- 224Historical Eclipses and Earth's Rotation (Stephenson) / The NASA Atlas of the Solar System (Greeley & Batson) / Comets Letters
BAA Updates
- 214Meteors in August / Saturn Section / From the President / Solar Section / Aurora Section / Mars 1996-97: fourth interim New members
- 26Ordinary Meeting, 1997 February 22 / Ordinary Meeting, 1997 March
- 111Amateur observatories Maurice Gavin
- 170Officers and Council
- 185model depicting some astronomical features of Stonehenge / German town takes the lead against skyglow / A rare Jovian Membership information
- 186The comets of 1991 J. D. Shanklin
- 199Faint-image detectivity: CCD versus film R. J. Neville
- 204A comparison of images from Lunar Orbiter IV and Clementine - Ivor Clarke
- 211Only the first four asteroids David W. Hughes
- 227Small advertisements