Journal of the British Astronomical Association. Vol.107 Iss.5

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- 239P. B. Molesworth's discovery of the great South Tropical Disturbance on Jupiter, 1901 - Richard McKim
- 246Combined annual solar activity report, 1980-1989 (Part I: 1980-1987) - Bruce Hardie
- 261Adjustable slits for spectroscopes - E. R. Cook
- 264Τ Cassiopeiae - a predictable variable? J. J. Howarth
- 270R e p o r t of the Council a n d Accounts for the session 1996-1997
- 28Mars 1996-97: fifth interim report / Acquisitions for the Library: Astronomy and fiction / The Leonids of 1996 - an interim Ordinary Meeting, 1997 April 26 / Ordinary Meeting, 1997 May
- 230Officers and Council
- 269Membership information
- 294Letters
- 295Women and the BAA Council / A database of meteorites / The National Space Science Centre New members
- 295Small advertisements