Journal of the British Astronomical Association. Vol.108 Iss.2

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  • 65UBVRI - photometry using CCD cameras Richard Miles
  • 75Information - sources for deep sky astronomy Owen Brazell
  • 79Origins - of the ancient constellations: II. The Mediterranean traditions John H.Rogers
  • 90The comets of 1992 - J. D. Shanklin
  • 99Contributing - to the Journal of the BAA Hazel McGee
  • 101Four - solar cycles of aurorae from the United Kingdom R. J. Livesey
  • Review

  • 111An ocean on Europa: the evidence from Galileo I From the President / Solar Section / Aurora Section / Edinburgh astronomer Letters
  • Etc.

  • 15Obituaries: Paul Doherty, 1947-1997; Ernest Agar Beet (1904-1997) / Meeting of the Deep Sky Section, 1997 November
  • 20Accurate polar alignment of a telescope / Oxfordshire's sky-friendly lighting policy / Earthshine during a total solar eclipse Ordinary Meeting, 1997 November 26 / Ordinary Meeting and Christmas Lecture, 1997 December
  • 58Officers - and Council
  • 105Membership - information
  • 122New - members
  • 123Small - advertisements
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