Journal of the British Astronomical Association. Vol.108 Iss.4

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- 193Elizabeth Brown (1830-1899), solar astronomer Mary Creese
- 198Further studies of the Herigonius sinuous rille terrain based on the NSSDC Orbiter IV microfilm frame Keith W.Abineri
- 204Experiments in digital meteor astrometry S. J. Evans
- 207The Sun, interplanetary weather and mankind's technologies R. J. Livesey
- 213Visual observations of the Perseid meteor shower in 1996 N. M. Bone
- 230Supernova 1996bu in M96 - an amateur spectrum / Supernova 1998aq Letters
- 25Iridium satellites light up the sky / Aurora Section / From the President / Rings within rings / Solar Section Special General Meeting, 1998 March 25 / Ordinary Meeting, 1998 March 25 / Ordinary Meeting, 1998 April
- 186Officers and Council
- 206The 1799 Leonids / Brown dwarfs in Praesepe and the Pleiades / Finding Venus and Jupiter in daylight with binoculars / Membership information
- 210Short paper A swing-back hut for a telescope R. M. Steele
- 216Historical note Venus: the enigma of phase-locked cloud structure and the UV syndrome Richard Baum
- 219New members
- 235Small advertisements