Journal of the British Astronomical Association. Vol.108 Iss.5

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- 247A classification of auroral types D. A. R. Simmons
- 258Light pollution and the law: what can you do? Penny Jewkes
- 279White clouds on Io? John H. Rogers
- 292Meeting of the Instruments and Imaging Section, 1998 May 30 / Obituary: E. W. P. Turner, 1928-1998 Letters
- 27Good autumn prospects for meteor observers / From the President / Iridium satellite predictions (errata) / Aurora Section / Ordinary Meeting, 1998 May
- 238Officers and Council
- 246Solar Fraunhofer lines with a diffraction grating / Aircraft condensation trails / The Sky at Night I Amateur spectroscopy / Membership information
- 261Report of the Council and Accounts for the session 1997-1998
- 277Historical note Enigmatic bright objects near the Sun Richard Baum
- 283Short paper An inexpensive focusing mount Arthur Missira
- 286New members
- 295 Small advertisements