Journal of the British Astronomical Association. Vol.109 Iss.2
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- 1998Presidential Address
Notes and News
- 92The interacting galaxies of Spring / Aurora Section / From the President / Solar Section / NSV 13262 detected by CCD nova Letters
- 25Telescope limiting magnitudes / Victorian lady astronomers / The status of Pluto and other solar system bodies Ordinary Meeting, 1998 November
- 31John R. Smith, 1924-1998 (obituary) / Meeting of the Variable Star Section, 1998 October
- 50Officers and Council
- 57Novae Martin Mobberley
- 69Hubble Revisited - New Images from the Discovery Machine (Fischer & Duerbeck) / Extrasolar Planets: The search for new Membership information
- 70An investigation of the incidence of solar eclipses on the Chinese New Year - Darren Beard
- 73The automation of solar eclipse photography N. S. Evans
- 78Caroline Lucretia Herschel - comet huntress David W. Hughes
- 86The aurora 1997 R. J. Livesey
- 100New members
- 107Small advertisements