Journal of the British Astronomical Association. Vol.109 Iss.6

To access this journal you need to join the association
- 308Discrete and diffuse aurora observed from Scotland: the Merry Dancers and the Northern Dawn D. A. R. Simmons
- 320Spectra of Wolf-Rayet stars and planetary nebulae Maurice Gavin
- 328Of comets and variable stars: the Afro-Australian astronomical activities of J. F. Skjellerup - Wayne Orchiston
- 344Centenaries for 2000 Barry Hetherington
BAA Updates
- 1999Finding a comet on the Internet: the discovery of comet 1999 SI (SOHO) / CCD images of Jupiter and Saturn / The solar Astronomy, Cambridge, 1999 August 14-16 / The 33rd BAA Winchester Weekend: Easter
- 26From the President / Meteor Section: the season's grand finale / Comet prospects for 2000 / Aurora Section / Venus: the Ordinary meeting, 1999 May
- 298Officers and Council
- 319Membership information
- 349Frederick Archenhold / An early observation of noctilucent cloud? / Roman numerals in chronology New members
- 354Letters
- 355Small - advertisements