Journal of the British Astronomical Association. Vol.112 Iss.4
To access this journal you need to join the association
- 2001Presidential Address,
Refereed Papers
- 187l C o m e t Kobayashi-Berger-Milon 1975h - Michael J. Hendrie
- 196 l 1982 and 2 0 0 0 - Andrew J. Hollis
- 197e Daylight e s t i m a t e s of t h e phase ofVenus - Peter Wade
- 200Presidential Portrait: Dr Ν. D. Hewitt, President, 1999-2001
- 214Bayle' s a s t r o n o m y John N. Brown
- 234s Officers and Council
Notes and News
- 2002 - A Perseid prospectus for
BAA Updates
- 3. - Earth, Life and the Universe (Tritton) Roger O'Brien
- 185 l Letters
- 201Cosmic recycling: an a m a t e u r perspective N. D. Hewitt
- 213Membership information
- 217e Meetings
- 223. t New members
- 229 p Observers' Forum
- 230Sky notes for 2002 August & September Neil Bone
- 232Notice board
- 232Small advertisements
- 2001From the President: Send us your observations - Venus - the