Journal of the British Astronomical Association. Vol.115 Iss.1
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Refereed Papers
- 13Henry McEwen of Glasgow: a forgotten astronomer? Richard McKim
- 25spin David Boyd
- 28Index to volume 114 (2004) - facing
- 29Neolithic and Early Bronze Age skywatchers and the precession of the equinox - David W. Hughes
- 36 from the UK in the years 1977–2002 - R. J. Livesey
- 39The BAA Observers’ Workshops Observing near Earth asteroids - Roger Dymock
Notes and News
- 122004 Letters
- 43‘An introduction to astrobiology’ The BAA Council, 2004–2005 - Michael Maunder
- 49Ordinary Meeting and 5th Observers’ Workshop, 2004 April 24 Sky notes for 2005 February & March - Neil Bone
- 51Employment opportunity in the BAA office
- 49Membership information
- 52Notice board & small advertisements
- 54Officers and Council