Journal of the British Astronomical Association. Vol.116 Iss.1

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Refereed Papers
- 11Predicting astronomical seeing in the UK Damian Peach
- 15 . - planetary instrument Martin Mobberley
- 19er- Solar chromospheric darkenings around active areas Eric Strach
- 21di- - The mean density of the Earth David W. Hughes
- 25V973 Cygni – an overlooked semi-regular variable? J. J. Howarth
- 28ue. cil, Index to volume 115 - facing
- 29nal Gary Poyner & Jeremy Shears
- 32 Fredrick N. Veio & Leonard F. Higgins
- 34by he located at 10.26°E and 31.89°N - Raffaelo Lena et al.
- 2005ual - J053234.9+624755 during the
Notes and News
- 3se - From the President: the excitement and awe of astronomy Richard Miles
- 2005be - Mars in
- 2006ill - Tom Boles bags the first supernova of
- 48er- ho - BAA Update
Observers' Forum
- 9ce. - Richard Baum and the Walter H. Haas Award Robert Garfinkle
- 9Of- - Letters
- 9an - The worsening curse of light pollution James Abbott
- 24Membership information
- 39ust - Meetings
- 50Sky notes for February & March Neil Bone
- 52Small advertisements
- 52DU - Notice board
- 54Officers and Council
- 2005es: - Special General and Ordinary Meetings,