Journal of the British Astronomical Association. Vol.116 Iss.6
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Refereed Papers
- 299BAA instrument no. 93 - R. A. Marriott
- 306The Leonid meteor shower in 2000 - N. M. Bone
- 309spectrograph Hαα and Hββ absorption spectra - David Airey
- 320CCD photometry and visual observations of V1663 Aql (Nova Aquilae 2005) David Boyd & Gary Poyner
- 323Centenaries for 2007 - Barry Hetherington
BAA Updates
- 331From the President Letters
Observers' Forum
- 342The role of the visual observer Sky notes for December & January - Neil Bone
- 324Membership information
- 327New members
- 344Notice board and meetings diary
- 344Small advertisements
- 346Officers and Council