Journal of the British Astronomical Association. Vol.117 Iss.3
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Refereed Papers
- 118James Wigglesworth and the Great Scarborough Telescope Raymond Emery & David Hawkridge
- 126The Geminid meteor shower in 2001 - Neil Bone
- 129Mare Orientale: the Eastern Sea in the West: Discovery and nomenclature Richard Baum & Ewen A. Whitaker
- 136HR Lyrae (Nova Lyr 1919): from outburst to active quiescence - Jeremy Shears & Gary Poyner
- 154 Sky notes for June & July - Neil Bone
- 24The Christmas and New Year Orion Star Count Ordinary Meeting and Exhibition Meeting, 2006 June
- 151Membership information
- 151New members
- 156Notice board and meetings diary
- 156Small advertisements
- 158Officers and Council