Journal of the British Astronomical Association. Vol.118 Iss.2

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  • Refereed Papers

  • 75Jupiter in 2001/2002: Part I - John H. Rogers et al.
  • 87topographical Nigel Longshaw
  • 91Note on an early attempt to correlate visual and UV studies of Venus - Richard Baum
  • 95Photometry and astrometry of SS Leo Minoris during the 2006 October superoutburst - Jeremy Shears et al.
  • BAA Updates

  • 109Birmingham, The BAA at Astrofest - Ann Davies
  • 113Help needed – ‘Back to Basics’ assistant(s) - Roger Pickard & Hazel Collett
  • Etc.

  • 86Membership information
  • 94New members
  • 111Letters
  • 112E. W. Maunder and the ‘Maunder Minimum’ Sky notes for 2008 April & May - Neil Bone
  • 114Meetings diary
  • 114Notices & small advertisements
  • 115Officers and Council
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