Journal of the British Astronomical Association. Vol.118 Iss.3
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Refereed Papers
- 125Some aspects of auroral observing, 1976–2005 - R. J. Livesey
- 131The eastern and western elongations of Venus, 1999–2006 Richard McKim
- 145Photometry of the dwarf nova AW Sagittae during the 2006 November superoutburst - Jeremy Shears et al.
- 149Superhumps and flickering in V1316 Cygni - David Boyd et al.
- 157Total penumbral lunar eclipses - Darren Beard
BAA Updates
- 172near-Earth Sky notes for 2008 June & July - Neil Bone
- 170Membership information
- 174Meetings diary
- 174Notices & small advertisements
- 175Officers and Council