Journal of the British Astronomical Association. Vol.119 No.1
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Refereed Papers
- 13Mrs Vera Reade FRAS (1905–1986) - Anthony J. Kinder
- 17First steps to double star measurement using visible light interferometry - Sheridan Williams & Alan Cooper
- 25Cassini A: the nature of the ‘Washbowl’ described by Wilkins & Moore on 1952 April 3 - Raffaelo Lena et al.
- 28Index to Volume 118 (2008) - facing
- 29Interesting patterns from umbral lunar eclipses Darren Beard & Jean Meeus
- 31Outburst characteristics of the dwarf nova V452 Cassiopeiae Jeremy Shears et al.
- 49new force in the battle against light pollution Letters
- 51The Scriven Bolton ‘Two Foot’ giant telescope mirror Sky notes for February & March - Neil Bone
- 53New members
- 28Membership information
- 53Meetings diary, notices & small advertisements
- 55Officers and Council