Journal of the British Astronomical Association. Vol.119 No.4

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Refereed Papers
- 180Professional–amateur collaboration in astronomy: Part II
- 183A Schmidt–Cassegrain telescope re-mounted Martin P. Mobberley
- 188From ‘overlapping light’ to outer ring - Richard Baum
- 203Comet disruption: a statistical approach for the nearly isotropic comets - Gianluca Masi & Sergio Foglia
- 205The opposition of Mars, 2001: Part II - Richard McKim
- 212CCD BV photometry of three southern galactic clusters using Faulkes Telescope South - David Boyd et al.
- 222Precision timing of occultations and other dynamic events Letters
- 224note on the first telescopic depiction of the Moon Society - Adrian West, Ann Davies & David Boyd
- 204Membership information
- 220Obituary: John Watson, 1914–2009 New members
- 227Sky notes for August & September - Callum Potter
- 228Meetings diary, notices & small advertisements
- 231Officers and Council