Journal of the British Astronomical Association. Vol.120 No.2
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Refereed Papers
- 73The origins and construction of the Isaac Newton Telescope, Herstmonceux, 1944–1967 - Lee T. Macdonald
- 86Harold Hill and the South Polar region of the Moon Richard Baum
- 98AH Draconis – a tale of two periods - David Griffin
- 101João de Moraes Pereira (1855–1908): the first Portuguese member of the BAA - Vitor Bonifácio et al.
- 122The Great Comet of 1881, John Tebbutt, and poor old ‘Jacko’ Wayne Orchiston Membership information
- 116Paris, Letters
- 119Sky notes for 2010 April & May - Callum Potter
- 121Meetings diary, notices & small advertisements
- 123Officers and Council