Journal of the British Astronomical Association. Vol.120 No.3 June 2010
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Refereed Papers
- 135British variable star associations, 1848–1908 - John Toone
- 152Noctilucent cloud over Britain and Western Europe, 2006–2008 - Ken Kennedy
- 157Variable star photometry with a DSLR camera - Des Loughney
- 161Anatomy of an illusion: the ‘Alhazen’ of Johann Hieronymus Schröter - Nigel Longshaw
- 169The 2009 outburst of V630 Cassiopeiae Jeremy Shears & Gary Poyner
- 180The only naked-eye asteroid? Membership information
- 181New members
- 187Sky notes for 2010 June and July - Callum Potter
- 189Meetings diary, notices & small advertisements
- 191Officers and Council
- 2009Look out for noctilucent clouds this summer The BAA Awards and Medals,
BAA Updates
- 186NGC 7008 – a ‘celestial hook’ Letters