Journal of the British Astronomical Association. Vol.120 No.4
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Refereed Papers
- 206Saturn during the 2006/2007 apparition - Mike Foulkes
- 219CSS090530:144011+494734: a new SU UMa-type dwarf nova in Boötes - David Boyd et al.
- 223The comets of 2000 - Jonathan Shanklin
- 240Short paper: The first Pic du Midi photographs of Mars, 1909 - Audouin Dollfus
Observers' Forum
- 2462009 Letters
- 11Project Perseid 2010 The total solar eclipse of 2010 July
- 203Hazel McGee, Nick James & John Mason
- 218The partial solar eclipse of 2011 January 4 Membership information
- 256Sky notes for 2010 August & September - Callum Potter
- 258Meetings diary, notices & small advertisements
- 259Officers and Council