Journal of the British Astronomical Association. Vol.121 No.1

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Refereed Papers
- 13The Hampstead Observatory 1910–2010: a century of service to the public Douglas G. Daniels & Julia V. Daniels
- 19Jupiter’s high-latitude storms: a Little Red Spot tracked through a Jovian year John H. Rogers et al.
- 30Where have all the aurorae gone? - R. J. Livesey
- 31Nocturnal occultations of Venus - Jean Meeus & Joe Rao
- 32Index to the Journal,Vol. 120 (2010) - R. A. Marriott facing
- 33VSX J003909.7+611233: a new Slowly Pulsating B (SPB) star in Cassiopeia? David Boyd et al.
- 36Superoutbursts of the SU UMa-type dwarf nova CP Draconis Jeremy Shears et al.
Notes and News
- 44 Letters
- 18News from Hanwell Community Observatory Membership information
- 58Saturday opening of the RAS Library - Peter D. Hingley
- 59Sky notes for 2011 February & March - Callum Potter
- 61Meetings diary, notices & small advertisements
- 63Officers and Council
- 2011Cover image J. Br. Astron. Assoc. 121, 1,