Journal of the British Astronomical Association. Vol.121 No.5

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Refereed Papers
- 265Software architecture for an unattended remotely controlled telescope - Robert J. Lucas & Ulrich Kolb
- 270Great White Spots on Saturn: current and historical observations - Richard McKim
- 273HS2325+8205 – a frequently outbursting dwarf nova Jeremy Shears, Gary Poyner, Rob Januszewski & Ian Miller
- 276An ambiguous truth: T. J. J. See and the surface relief of Mercury - Richard Baum
- 288Report of the Council and Accounts for the session 2010–2011
BAA Updates
- 311the Letter to the Editor
Observers' Forum
- 316beyond Sky notes for 2011 October & November - Callum Potter
- 269Membership information
- 318Meetings diary & small advertisements
- 319Officers and Council
- 2011Cover image orbit around the 500km diameter body on
- 2011July 15. The image was taken from a distance of J. Br. Astron. Assoc. 121, 5,