Journal of the British Astronomical Association. Vol.92 Iss.5
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- 256New Members
- 251Reviews
- 247Letters to the Editor
- 243Comet Section Meeting
- 241Meeting of Lunar & Observational Techniques Sections
- 240Ordinary Meeting of the Association, 1982 May 29
- 238Ordinary Meeting of the Association, 1982 April 28
- 237Special General Meeting of the Association, 1982 April 28
- 236Observational Techniques
- 236Recent Research at Siding Spring
- 234Notes from Other Journals
- 227Geminid Meteor Stream in 1980
- 219X Leonis, 1970-1979
- 216Visual Observations of Geostationary Satellites
- 209Halley's Comet: AD 1986 to 2647 BC