Journal of the British Astronomical Association. Vol.93 Iss.4
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- 145Visibility of Near-Geostationary Satellites - Gordon E. Taylor
- 149The Dumbell Nebula M27 - Ron Arbour
- 150Fireball Survey: Report for the Years 1981-82 - Howard Miles
- 156A Run-off Shed Observatory - Martin Mobberley
- 160The Witch Aglaonice and Dark Lunar Eclipses in the Second and First Centuries BC - Peter Bicknell
- 164Recent Events in the South Tropical Zone of Jupiter - John H. Rogers
- 166Lunar Section Observations - G. W. Amery
- 167The Lunar Total Eclipse of 1982 January 9 - G. W. Amery
- 172Obituary - R. d'E. Atkinson
- 173Ordinary Meeting of the Association, 1983 February 23
- 175Ordinary Meeting of the Association, 1983 March 30
- 178Letters to the Editor
- 191Comet IRAS/Araki/Alcock - Harold Ridley
- 191New Members