Journal of the British Astronomical Association. Vol.95 Iss.6

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- 245Saturn, 1983 - Alan W. Heath
- 252A Study of Auroral Emissions by Interference Filter Photography - D. A. R. Simmons
- 257Some Meteorological Effects of the Total Solar Eclipse, 1983 June 11 - Roderick W. Kidd
- 260Box Railway Tunnel and I. K. Brunei's Birthday: A Theoretical Investigation - C. P. Atkins
- 262Halley's Comet - Alan Young
- 263Observational Techniques: News and Views
Notes and News
- 266Special General Meeting and Ordinary Meeting of the Association, 1985 April 24
- 268Ordinary Meeting of the Association, 1985 May 18
- 269Out-of-London Meeting, 1984 September 14 to 16
- 270Letters to the Editor
- 278Report of the Council, Session 1984-85
- 290New Members