Journal of the British Astronomical Association. Vol.97 Iss.6

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- 327M a k i n g a sidereal clock - John Watson
- 330Watchcroft Observatory - Terence Tempest
- 318Instrumentation and Research Programmes for Small Telescopes (Hearnshaw and Cottrell) / Exploring the Universe with the IUE the Outer Planets and their Satellites (Atreya) / Other books received
- 322Letters to the Editor Observing Messier objects / Mr Borcham / Photometry of Halley's Comet / Flamsteed and astrology
- 334D e e p - s k y photography - Ron Arbour
- 339J o s e p h Fraunhofer - Ian Howard-Duff
- 348A clock-driven planisphere - A. A. Mills
- 350P h o t o m e t r i c properties of the minor planets: observations of (4) V e s t a in 1 9 8 5 - Andrew J. Hollis
- 353Report of the Council for the session 1 9 8 6 August 1 to 1987 July 31
Observers' Forum
- 349Photos of Pluto, Pallas and SN1987D
- 1Meeting Ordinary Meetings 1987 May 27 and July - Reports
- 309News Is the Universe younger? / Starbirth / Infrared background / Lovell Telescope - Reports
- 317BAA 1987 Winchester Weekend - Update