Journal of the British Astronomical Association. Vol.98 Iss.4

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- 184T h e Tunguska event - Philip M. Bagnall
- 189M a d r a s Observatory: A forgotten page in astronomy - Dilip M. Salwi
- 194M a g n e t i c storm and auroral display 1986 February 8 - 9 - Howard Miles
- 200Eclipsing binaries, C y g n u s to H y d r a , in 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 8 5 - J. E. Isles
- 205Optical polarimetry and the surface of airless planetary bodies. Part III: Theoretical models - G. A. Steigmann
- 209The Divided Circle (Bennett) / Non-Gravitational Perturbations and Satellite Geodesy (Milani et al.) / History of the RAS / Atlas- the Planets (Runcorn) / Other books received
Observers' Forum
- 214Amateur spectroscopy / Comet McNaught / Lunar Section Computing
- 217BAA Telescope Making Section / Lunar Section / Jupiter Section / Presentation of Merlin Medal / New members - Update
- 219Meeting Ordinary Meeting 1988 January 27 / Ordinary Meeting 1988 February 24 - Reports
- 173Officers and Council M e s s a g e from the President
- 173News Terrestrial Planets Section / Solar Section / Meteor Section / The Journal / New Planetarium show - Reports
- 178Letters to the solar eclipse in 2003 / Flamsteed and astrology - Editor