Journal of the British Astronomical Association. Vol.111 Iss.5
2001 October Vol. 111 No 5 Contents Editor Mrs Hazel McGee Refereed Papers Secretary: Nick James T he comets of
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2001 August Vol 111 No 4 Contents Editor Mrs Hazel M cGe e Refereed papers Jupiter in 1997 Papers Secretary:
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2001 June V ol 111 No.3 Contents Editor Mrs Hazel M cGe e Presidential Address 2000 Papers Secretary: Nick James
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2001 A pri l Vol. Ill No 2 Contents Editor Mrs Hazel M cGe e Refereed Papers Secretary: Nick James
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2001 February Vol. 111 No. 1 Contents Editor Mrs Hazel McGee Refereed papers Papers Secretary: Nick James Observations of the
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2 000 December Vol. 110 No.6 Contents Editor and Advertising Manager Mrs Hazel M cGe e Papers Secretary: Nick James
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2000 October Vol. no No.5 Contents Editor and Advertising Manager Mrs Hazel M cGe e Refereed papers Papers Secretary: Nick
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2000 AugUSt Vol. 110 No. 4 Contents Editor and Advertising Manager Mrs Hazel M cGe e Papers Secretary: Nick James
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Journal of the British Astronomical Association The Large Magellanic Cloud 2000 June Vol. 110 No. 3 Officers and Council Session
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Journal of the British Astronomical Association HST reveals the ‘Eskimo’ nebula 2000 April Vol. 110 No. 2 Officers and Council
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