Publications by the Director


This is a list of (nearly) all of my publications. It includes theses, books, book chapters, papers, popular articles, notes in scientific journals, Obituary Notices, online publications and Book Reviews.

Astronomy books and monographs [4]

High Resolution Astrophotography (by Jean Dragesco; translated from the French by, and with the collaboration of, Richard McKim), Cambridge University Press, 1995.

First paperback edition, ditto, CUP, 2011.

Telescopic Martian dust storms: a narrative and catalogue; A Report of the Mars Section, by Richard McKim, Director; Memoirs of the British Astronomical Association, 44, 1999, 168 pp.

The Great Refractor of Meudon Observatory (by Audouin Dollfus; translated from the French by Richard McKim), Springer-Verlag, New York, 2013.

Astronomy book or Annual chapters [6]

Saturn Encountered; in Images of the Universe (editor, Carole Stott), Cambridge University Press, 1991.

Observing Venus; in James Muirden’s Sky Watcher’s Handbook, W.H.Freeman & Co., 1993.

The Flammarion Observatory, Juvisy: Past, Present and Future; in Patrick Moore’s The Yearbook of Astronomy 1996, Macmillan, 1995.

Mars at its best; in Patrick Moore’s The Yearbook of Astronomy 2007, Macmillan, 2006.

Planetary observations by Angelo Secchi, in Angelo Secchi and Nineteenth Century Science: The Multidisciplinary Contributions of a Pioneer and Innovator,  Ileana Chinnici & Guy Consolmagno (eds.), Chapter 6, Springer, 2021 (with W.P.Sheehan).

G.V.Schiaparelli and the planets; Sheehan, W.P. and McKim, R.J., in Chinnici, I., (ed.), Italian Contributions to Planetary Astronomy: From the Discovery of Ceres to Pluto’s Orbit, Springer, 2024 April. (in press)

Astronomical Miscellanea [7]

List of Members of the British Astronomical Association (editor, R.J.McKim); 1995.

British Astronomical Association Observer’s Guide (editor and major author); 1993.

British Astronomical Association Observer’s Guide (editor and major author); 1995.

British Astronomical Association Observer’s Guide (editor and major author); 1998.

British Astronomical Association Observer’s Guide (editor and major author); 2002.

British Astronomical Association Observer’s Guide (editor and major author); 2006.

British Astronomical Association Observer’s Guide (author); 2011.

Astronomy papers

Mars [191]

Possible volcanic activity on Mars during the Viking mission; The Inner Planets Newsletter, No. 7, 1982, pp 1-2.

Observing Mars in the 1980s: The Mars Programme of the Terrestrial Planets Section; J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 92 (4), 170-176 (1982).

Observing Mars in the 1980s: reference maps for the visual observer; J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 96 (3), 166-169 (1986).

Observing Mars from the Earth: A Beginner’s Guide; Touching the Future (Leicester Mercury Newspapers in Education), No. 2, 1 (1995).

Martian latitude and longitude measurements; J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 106 (6), 332-224 (1996).

Wilkinson’s Mars map of 1948 and the new marking Nodus Laocoontis, J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 96 (1), 8-9 (1985).

The myth of Earth-based Martian crater sightings; J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 104 (6), 281-286 (1994) (with William Sheehan).

The visibility of martian craters from Earth; J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 105 (3), 137 (1995) (with William Sheehan).

Re. Craters on Mars and spots on Neptune; Journal of the Association of Lunar and Planetary Observers; 37 (3), 130-131 (1994); 38 (2), 83-84 (1995) (with WilliamSheehan).

Risolto un mistero marziano (L’Hubble esclude che si possana osservare da Terra Icrateri d’impatto); l’Astronomia, No. 162, 9-10 (1996).

The BAA and the Martian Dust Storms; British Astronomical Association, Terrestrial  Planets Section, Inner Planets ’80, Proceedings (editor, R.M.Baum), 1981, pp 11-15.

Historique des tempêtes martiennes; Bulletin de la Société Astronomique de France, 107, 312-315 (1993).

The Dust Storms of Mars; J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 106 (4), 185-200 (1996) (BAA Presidential Address, 1995).

Martian Dust Storms [Letter], Sky & Telescope, 92 (6), 8 (1996).

Telescopic Martian Dust Storm Activity 1971-1993; Lunar & Planetary Institute Technical Report (editors, A.L.Sprague and J.F.Bell), No. 97-03, 23-25 (1997).

Was there once life on Mars? (with J.H.Rogers); J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 106 (6), 299-300 (1996).

The Disappearance of the Cerberus Regional Albedo feature on Mars: Analysis of Hubble Space Telescope and Viking IRTM Observations; to be submitted for publication in Icarus (with S.W.Lee, M.J.Wolff, J.E.Moersch, D.C.Parker, P.B.James, J.F.Bell and R.T.Clancy). [2004: but in the end never submitted by S.Lee!]

The Opposition of Mars, 1980; J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 94 (5), 197-210 (1984).

The Opposition of Mars, 1982; J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 96 (1), 36-52 (1985). (preliminary reports published in The Inner Planets Newsletter, Nos. 8, 9 (1983) and in J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 93, 175-176 (1983))

The Opposition of Mars, 1984; J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 97 (3), 139-154 (1987). (preliminary reports published in The Inner Planets Newsletter, Nos. 11, 12 (1984) and in J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 94, 271 (1984))

The Opposition of Mars, 1986; J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 99 (5), 215-232 (1989). (preliminary reports published in J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 96, 256 and 97, 2 (1986); 97, 181, 191-192 (1987) and in BAA Circular No. 663 (1986))

The Opposition of Mars, 1988; J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 101 (5), 264-283 (1991). (preliminary reports published in J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 98 (6), front cover, 336-337 (1988); 99, 2-3, 52-53, 115, 154-155 (1989) and in BAA Circulars Nos. 679 and 682 (1988))

The Opposition of Mars, 1990; J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 102 (5), 248-264 (1992). (preliminary report published in J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 101, 73 (1991))

The Opposition of Mars, 1993; J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 105 (3), 117-134 (1995). (preliminary reports published in J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 102, 312-313 (1992); 103, 58-59 (1993) and in BAA Circular No. 720 (1992))

The Opposition of Mars, 1995 [preliminary report]; J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 105 (4), 157 (1995).

The Opposition of Mars, 1995; J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 115 (6), 313-333 (2005).

The Opposition of Mars 1997 [preliminary reports]; J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 107 (1) front cover, 5, (2), 61, (3), 114-115, (4), 175-176, (5), 231-232 (1997); 108, 243-246 (1998); Mars Section Circulars Nos. 1-14 (1996-97).

The Opposition of Mars 1999 [preliminary reports]; J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 110 (3), 113-117 (2000); Mars Section Circulars Nos. 1- 8 (1998-99).

The Opposition of Mars, 1997; J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 116, 169-186 (2006).

The Opposition of Mars, 1999; J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 117, 314-330 (2007).

The Opposition of Mars, 2001 [preliminary reports]; J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 111 (3), 120-121, 155 (2001); 112 (3), 119-121 and 123 (2002); BAA Circulars Nos. 777 and 779 (2001); Mars Section Circular 2001 December.

The Opposition of Mars, 2001; J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 119, 123-143 and 205-211 (2009).

Observing Mars in 2003; Astronomy Now 2003 Yearbook, 102-103 (2002).

Observing Mars in 2003; J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 113 (2), 70-71 (2003).

The Opposition of Mars 2003 [preliminary reports]; J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 113 (3), 130-131, (4) 189-190 [and front cover], (5) 249-251 [and inside front cover], (6) 318-319 (2003); 114 (1), 6, and (2), 62-63 (2004); BAA Circular No. 791 (2003) and BAA E-Circulars Nos. 100, 109 and 127 (2003).

The Great Perihelic Opposition of Mars, 2003; J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 120 (5), 280-295 and (6), 347-357 (2010).

The Opposition of Mars 2005 [preliminary reports]; J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 116 (1), 6 [and front cover] (2006); 116 (3), 117-118 (2006).

The Opposition of Mars, 2005, J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 121 (3), 143-154 and (4), 215-222 (2011).

The Opposition of Mars 2007 [preliminary reports]; BAA Circular No. 808 (2007), BAA E-Circular No. 296 (2007), J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 118 (2), 73-74 and (4), 179-181 (2008).

The Opposition of Mars, 2007, J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 122 (4), 207-219 and (5), 271-278 (2012).

Mars: the return [Mars in 2007], Sky at Night magazine, 2007 December, pp 65-69.

The Opposition of Mars 2010 [preliminary reports]; BAA E-Circular Nos. 467 (2010) and 472 (2010), J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 120 (1), 10-11 and (6), 333 (2010).

The Opposition of Mars 2010, J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 128 (3), 157-167, and (4) 231-239 (2018).

Observing Mars in 2011-’12, J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 121 (5), 258-259 (2011).

The Opposition of Mars, 2012 [preliminary reports]; BAA E-Circular No. 661 (2012), J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 122 (2), 75 (2012) and 123 (1), 6-7 (2013).

Nature Letter reports a remarkable terminator projection on Mars, 2012 March-April, J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 125 (2), 74 (2015).

The Opposition of Mars 2012, J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 129 (5), 260-272 and (6) 351-358 (2019).

Curiosity, Gale crater and Walter F.Gale, J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 122 (4), 202-203 (2012).

‘Curiosity’ at Gale crater, J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 122 (5), 255-256 and f/c. (2012).

The Opposition of Mars, 2014 [preliminary reports]; J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 124 (1), 4-5 and (3) f.c., 119-120 (2014) and 125 (1) 4-5 (2015).

Observing Mars in 2014, Astronomy Now, 28 (4), 26-29 (2014 April).

The Opposition of Mars 2014, J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 131 (1), 42-50 and (2) 105-112 (2021).

Water on Mars: New findings from NASA, J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 126 (1), 4 (2016).

The Opposition of Mars, 2016 [preliminary reports]; J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 126 (1), 4-5 and (4) 205-206 (2016), and 127(6), 321-322 (2017); BAA E-Circular No. 918 (2016).

The Opposition of Mars 2016, J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 131 (4), 227-235 and (5) 291-298 (2021).

Observing Mars in 2018, J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 128 (1), 9 (2018).

The Opposition of Mars, 2018 [preliminary reports]; J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 128 (2), 70-71 (‘Conjunctions and Comparisons’), (4), 196-197 (‘A major dust storm on Mars’) (2018), and 129 (4), 196-197 (2019) (‘Spacecraft exploration of mars: an update; Second Interim report); BAA E-Circulars No. 996 and 1007 (2018).

The 2018 Opposition of Mars & the global dust storm, 132 (5), 285-301 and (6), 373-382 (2022)

Percy Mayow Ryves and Mars, J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 128 (3), 136-137 (2018).

Marvellous Mars at opposition, Astronomy Now, 32 (1) 56-57 (2018 January).

Mars at opposition and how to observe it, Astronomy Now, 32 (8), 44-49 (2018 August).

[‘Inset box’ within the article ‘Imaging for Science, part 8: Mars’, by P.R.Lawrence]: Submit your pictures for science, The Sky At Night magazine, 2018 December, page 70.

The Opposition of Mars, 2020 [preliminary reports]; J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 130 (2), 142-143 (‘Observing notes for the 2020 Opposition; 2019 October to 2020 March: 1st Interim report’) and (5) 62-63 (‘2020 April-August, 2nd Interim report’) (2020); The first Martian helicopter flights and Kitty Hawk, 131 (3), 137 (2021); 3rd Interim report (4), 208-209 (2021). The Opposition of Mars 2020, J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 133 (3) 157-168 and (4), 245-254 (2023).

J.H.Shirley, R.J.McKim, J.M.Battalio and D.M.Kass, Orbit-Spin Coupling and the Triggering of the Martian Planet-Encircling Dust Storm of 2018, J. Geophys. Research: Planets, 125 (6), e2019JE006077 (2020 June).

The Opposition of Mars, 2022 [pre-opposition preview], J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 132 (2), 80-81 (2022).

Observing the 2024-25 apparition of Mars [pre-opposition preview], J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 134 (3), 166-167 (2024).

Mars in 1898-99: a retrospective from 2024-25, J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 134 (6), 389-391 (2024).

Annual Reports to BAA Council, 1990-91 to 2023-24 [34]

Jupiter [18]

Jupiter, 1973-1977: the Pioneer Years (editor, J.H.Rogers); Mem. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 43, part 1, 1990
The apparition of 1973; by R.J.McKim and J.B.Murray;
The apparition of 1974; by R.J.McKim.

Jupiter, 1977-1981: the Voyager Years (editor, J.H.Rogers); Mem. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 43, part 3, 1992
The apparition of 1978-79; by R.J.McKim and JH.Rogers;
The apparition of 1979-80; by R.J.McKim;
The apparition of 1980-81; by R.J.McKim.

The Great Comet Crash [Shoemaker-Levy/Jupiter]: the view gets clearer; J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 107 (1), 3-5 (1997) (with John Rogers and Michael Foulkes).

P.B.Molesworth’s discovery of the great South Tropical Disturbance on Jupiter, 1901; J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 107 (5), 239-245 (1997).

How to observe Jupiter’s Moon Events: the visual angle, Astronomy Now, 28 (12) 54-57 (2014 December). (With Damian Peach).

New planetary photos from old negatives: the legacy of E.C.Slipher, The Lowell Observer, The Quarterly Newsletter of the Lowell Observatory, Issue 119, page 9, Summer 2020.

Jupiter in 1949 and the Revival of the South Equatorial Belt, J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 132, 31-47 (2022).

Jupiter in 1950 and the aftermath of an SEB Revival, J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 132, 169-180 (2022).

The Opposition of Jupiter, 1953-54, J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 134 (1), 41-49 (2024).

The Opposition of Jupiter, 1954-55, J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 134 (2), 125-135 (2024).

The Opposition of Jupiter, 1955-56, J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 134, (4), 281-293 (2024).

The Opposition of Jupiter, 1959, J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 135, in press (2025).

The Opposition of Jupiter, 1960, J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 135, in press (2025).

The Opposition of Jupiter, 1961, J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 135, in press (2025).

The Opposition of Jupiter, 1971, in preparation.

Saturn [22]

Seasonal variations on the planet Saturn (Letter): J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 90 (2), 184-185 (1980) (with K.W.Blaxall).

Saturn 1943-81, a visual photometric study; paper I: the data; J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 94 (4), 145-151 (1984) (with K.W.Blaxall).

Saturn 1943-81, a visual photometric study; paper II: the globe of Saturn; J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 94 (5), 211-222 (1984) (with K.W.Blaxall).

Saturn 1943-81, a visual photometric study; paper III: the rings of Saturn; J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 94 (6), 249-255 (1984) (with K.W.Blaxall).

Saturn, 1990: The Great White Spot; J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 102 (4), 210-219 (1992) and (erratum) 103 (5), 234 (1993) (with A.W.Heath).

Impact scars on Saturn: a different interpretation; J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 104 (6),       (1994).

Great White Spots on Saturn: current and historical observations; J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 121 (5), 270-273 (2011).

Saturn in 1994-95, J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 124 (3), 142-150 (2014).

Saturn in 1995-96, J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 125 (4), 203-216 (2015).

Saturn in 1996-97, J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 125 (6), 350-357 (2015).

Saturn in 1997-98, J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 126 (1), 46-53 (2016).

Saturn in 1998-99, J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 126 (2), 95-101 (2016).

Saturn in 1999-2000, J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 126 (3), 169-177 (2016).

Saturn in 2000-01, J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 126 (4), 238-243 (2016).

Saturn in 2001-02, J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 126 (6), 355-360 (2016).

Saturn in 2002-03, J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 127 (2), 101-108 (2017).

Saturn in 2003-04, J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 127 (6), 329-337 (2017).

Saturn in 2004-05, J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 128 (2), 94-102 (2018).

‘The 1919 transits and shadow transits of Iapetus’, Letter to the Editor, J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 126 (4), 254-255 (2016).

‘Did a Saturnian Great White Spot occur in 1953?’, Letter to the Editor, J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 132 (4), 260 (2022). [With Wayne Orchiston]

‘Patterns in the initial System 3 longitudes of Saturn’s Great White Spots, 1876-2010, J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 135, in press, (2025).

‘Observing the shadow transits of Mimas and Enceladus: an 1890s mystery solved’, submitted to the BAA Journal, 2025 January 26.

Telescopes [9]

Cheap reflectors and refractors for schools; School Science Review, 74, No. 268, 104-110 (1993) [with Jon Siviter].

Of telescopes, cake tins and fence posts; J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 100 (5), 263-264 (1990).

Celestron Schmidt Cameras: Theory and practice; by Jean Dragesco, J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 104 (2), 77-80 (1994) (translation from the French by R.J.McKim and J.N.Brown)

Building a 40-cm telescope and an observatory; J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 110 (4), 215-216 (2000).

BAA Instruments for sale, J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 128 (4), 202, (5) 260 and (6) 330 (2018), and 131 (5), 268 (2021) and 132 (1), 4 (2022).

Historical and Biographical [67]

Dawes’ observations of Mars, 1864-65, J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 98 (6), 294-300 (1988) (with R.A.Marriott).

E.W.Maunder and the formation of the British Astronomical Association; J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 100 (4), 166-168 (1990).

Our oldest member remembers [reminiscences of Henry Tiarks of the BAA]; J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 100 (4), 172, 180 and 191 (1990).

The British Astronomical Association, the First Fifty Years (editor for the second edition, R.J.McKim); Mem. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 42, part 1, 1989.

The British Astronomical Association, the Second Fifty Years (editor and major author, R.J.McKim); Mem. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 42, part 2, 1990.

The Life and Times of E.M.Antoniadi, Part 1: Astronomer in the Making; J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 103 (4), 164-170 (1993).

The Life and Times of E.M.Antoniadi, Part 2: The Meudon Years; J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 103 (5), 219-227 (1993).

E.M.Antoniadi; J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 104 (1) 8 (1994).

E.M.Antoniadi’s astronomical notebooks of the 1890s; J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 106 (6), 347 (1996).

La Vie et l’ouevre de E.M.Antoniadi, première partie: Un astronome en gestation; Bulletin de la Société Astronomique de France, 108, 308-314 (1994).

La Vie et l’ouevre de E.M.Antoniadi, deuxième partie: La grande lunette de Meudon; Bulletin de la Société Astronomique de France, 108, 341-350 (1994).

The resignation of E-M.Antoniadi, 1917: A century-long mystery solved, J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 127 (3), 135-136 (2017).

Dr.A.F.O’D.Alexander; BAA Lunar Section Circular, 31 (5), 74 (1995).

Mars at its nearest: E.A.L.Attkins on Madeira, 1924; J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 113 (4), 196-200 (2003).

Nathaniel Green: Artist and Astronomer; J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 114 (1), 13-23 (2004).

Henry McEwen of Glasgow, 1864-1955; J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 105 (2), 92 (1995).

Henry McEwen of Glasgow: a forgotten astronomer? Part 1: Moray Firth to Mount Florida (1864-1916); J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 115 (1), 13-24 (2005); Part 2: Cambuslang (1916-1955); ibid., 115 (2), 87-97 (2005).

Milan Štefánik and the rotation period of Venus: a centenary for 2007; J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 117 (1), 7-8 (2007). (Correction in Letter to the Editor, ibid., 117 (2), 101 (2007))

Schiaparelli’s final words about Mars, J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 119 (5), 255-261 (2009) (with W.P.Sheehan).

Etienne Leopold Trouvelot and the planet-encircling martian dust storm of 1877, J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 119 (6), 349-350 (2009) (with W.P. Sheehan and R.Rosenfield).

Johannes Kepler in Prague – and a new museum, J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 120 (3), 133 (2010).

Curiosity, Gale crater and Walter Gale, J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 122 (4), 202-203 (2012).

Barker’s Circle: a 1930s BAA lunar observing group, J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 123 (1), 20-32 (2013) and (erratum) 123 (2), 119 (2013).

New colour images from old planetary photographs, J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 123 (3), 137-142 (2013) (with Johan Warell).

The Association’s Memoirs: can you help?, J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 124 (2), 60 (2014).

BAA George Alcock Lecture 2014: ‘George Alcock: an artist among the planets’; published in J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 124 (5), 290-294 (2014).

A.A.C.Eliot Merlin: a brief biography, J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 127 (1), 25-32 (2017).

The Association’s older publications: can you help? , J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 126 (3), 187 (2016).

Women in the RAS: A different sort of Society [Women in the early BAA], Astron. & Geophys., 57 (4), 14-17 (2016).

Roland L.T.Clarkson, a Suffolk astronomer, J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 130 (2), 83-94 (2020).

Newly discovered planetary drawings by Warren de la Rue and others, J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 127 (1), 7-8 (2017).

E.T.L.Ryves and the planet Jupiter, J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 127 (5), 306 (2017). (with Nigel Longshaw).

The BAA Memoirs [old issues for sale], J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 127 (6), 265 (2017).

The BAA Memoirs: an introduction, J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 128 (1), 38-43 (2018).

75 years at Burlington House, J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 128 (1), 4-5 (2018).

Two chessmen of Mars: Edgar Rice Burroughs and Eugène-Michel Antoniadi, The Antiquarian Astronomer [Journal of the SHA], Issue 12, 29-38 (2018 June).

Head in the Stars, Interview about my forthcoming Peterborough Cathedral lecture on George Alcock, The Momentmagazine [Peterborough]. 2018 October, page 56.

From the BAA bookshelf: The Starry Heavens by Captain Ellison Hawks, J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 130 (1), 47 (2020). {See also the reference below.}

From the BAA bookshelf: Splendour of the Heavens by T.E.R.Phillips and W.H.Steavenson, J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 130 (6), 373-374 (2020).

From the BAA bookshelf: Ellison Hawks: a postscript, J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 130 (6), 374 (2020).

From the BAA bookshelf: Astronomical Photography for Amateurs by H.H.Waters, J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 131, 113(2021).

From the BAA bookshelf: Observational Astronomy for Amateurs and Amateur Astronomer’s Handbook, by J.B.Sidgwick, J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 131, 182 (2021).

From the BAA bookshelf: Mysteries of Space and Time (1955) and Clouds, Rings and Crocodiles: by spaceship to the planets (1955), by H.P.Wilkins, J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 131, 325 (2021).

From the BAA bookshelf: Dr A.F.O’D. Alexander and his books The Planet Saturn (1962) and The Planet Uranus (1965), J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 132, 122-123 (2022).

From the BAA bookshelf: Flying Saucer from Mars (1954), J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 133, 394-395 (2023).

Professor Jean Dragesco: A celebration of his 100th birthday, J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 130, 147-152 (2020).

Professor Jean Dragesco; J. Assoc. Lunar Planet. Obs., 62 (4), 26 – 30 (2020).

The 75th Anniversary of the ALPO; J. Assoc. Lunar Planet. Obs., 64 (2), 39 (2022).

From the BAA Archives: A lunar photograph by Andrew Ainslie Common [with John Chuter], J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 132 (4), 256 (2022).

Foreword to Alan W. Heath’s Memoirs of an Astronomer, Naturalist and Weather Recorder, edited by J.Dawson, Encke Gap Publishing, 2022.

W.B.Caunter; BAA Lunar Section Circular, 60 (9) 9 (2023).

From the BAA Archives: F.M.Holborn and his Goodacre Medal, J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 134 (1), 63 (2024).

E-M.Antoniadi revisited; R.J.McKim and W.P.Sheehan, for The Antiquarian Astronomer, 2025.

From the BAA Bookshelf: The Record of an Aeronaut (1907), J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 135, in press (2025).

Annual reports of the BAA Archivists to Council, 2013-14 to 2023-24, J. Brit. Astron. Assoc. [11]

Observatories [4]

The Paris and Meudon Observatories; J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 96 (1), 58-59 (1985).

A Visit to the Pic du Midi Observatory; J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 97 (5), 280-287 (1987) (with Jean Dragesco).

Observations Planétaires a l’Observatoire du Pic du Midi, Pulsar, 78, No. 658, 22-26 (1987) (with Jean Dragesco).

Astronomy on Mars Hill, J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 105 (2), 69-74, (4), 160 (1995) (BAA Presidential Address, 1994).

Personal [2]


Comets and Meteorites [2]

Goose zapped by meteorite?; J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 97 (5), 257 (1987).

Comet Hale-Bopp; J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 107 (3), 163 (1997) (with Michael Hendrie).

The Sun [4]

An Amateur’s Solar Cycle; J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 95 (5), 213-215 (1985).

The Indian eclipse, 1995; J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 106 (1), 5-6 and front cover (1996).

[Drawing of 1995 total solar eclipse in:] Is the Sun becoming brighter? Help us to find out, by Roger Highfield, The Daily Telegraph, July 28, 1999, p 20.

Truro 1999; The 1999 August 11 eclipse CD-ROM (editor, N.D.James), British Astronomical Association, 2000.

The Moon [7]

The total lunar eclipse, 1975 November 18/19; BAA Lunar Section Circular, 11 (1), 9 (1976). (I published several later such reports on eclipses in this bulletin, but they are mostly not listed here.)

Lunar Albedo Variation; BAA Lunar Section Circular, 16 (6), 54 (1981).

Lunar photography made simple, J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 99 (6), 305 (1989).

A TLP in Langrenus Crater; J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 109 (6), 305-306 (1999).

The brightest feature on the Moon? J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 116 (1), 9 (2006).

Report on the partial lunar eclipse of 7 August 2017; BAA Lunar Section Circular, 54 (10) 2-3 (2017).

Herring’s drawing of Mons Rumker, BAA Lunar Section Circular, 60 (3) 5 (2023).

Mercury & Venus [69]

The surface of the planet Mercury; The Inner Planets Newsletter, No. 1, 1980, pp 2-3.

Some remarks on Peter Wade’s article [concerning the phase anomaly of Venus]; The Inner Planets Newsletter, No. 5, 1981, pp 10-11.

Mercury & Venus Section Interim reports: J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 114 (5), 241-242 (2004), 115 (1), 9 (2005), 115 (2), 66 (2005), 116 (2), 60-61 (2006); 116 (3) 118 (2006); 117 (1), 4 (2007); (4), 168, 171; (5) 229-230; 279 (2007); 118 (1) 6-9; (2), 67-68 and f.c. (2008); (5) 245 and 246-247 (2008); 119 (1), 4-5; (5), 240 (2009); 120 (2), 67-68 and 107-108 (2010); 121 (4),189-190 and (6), 332-333 (2011); 122 (1), 5-6, (2), 72-74, (3), 141-142 and (4) 195-197 and 197 (2012); 123 (2), 74 and (5) 246 (2013); 124 (2) 65 (2014), 125 (4), 199 (2015), 127 (2), 71 and (4), 198 (2017), 128 (6) 324 and 378-379 (2018), 129 (1) 7-8 and (3) 135 (2019).

The transit of Venus, 2004 June 8: an introduction: J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 115 (3), 128-129 (2005).

ALPO award for Richard Baum: J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 115 (6), 311 (2005).

The Ashen Light of Venus: A Century of Observations by McEwen and Moore: J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 116 (5) 265-272 (2007) (with Patrick Moore).

Venus 2004: east and west elongations and solar transit, J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 117 (2), 65-76 (2007) (with Keith Blaxall and Alan Heath).

Venus in transit; daytime seeing; images of Mercury; Letter to the Editor, J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 117 (5) 277 (2007).

The Elongations of Venus, 1999-2006, J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 118 (3), 131-144 (2008).

The Elongations of Venus, 1991-1998, J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 118 (5), 254-269 (2008).

The ‘libration zones’ of Mercury: the last stand, J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 122 (6), 359-360 (2012).

The transit of Mercury, 2016 May 9, J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 126 (1), 7 (2016).

Recalling the 2003 transit of Mercury, J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 126 (2), 72 (2016).

The Elongations of Mercury 2007-16 and the 2016 Solar Transit, J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 127 (4), 209-216 (2017).

Mapping the infrared thermal emission from the surface of Venus, 2017 April-May,  J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 127 (5), 261-264 (2017).

Annual Reports to BAA Council, 2004-05 to 2017-18 [14]

Sectional Organisation, J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 128 (2), 70 (2018).

Mercury’s fleeting appearance, Astronomy Now, 32 (1) 60-61 (2018).

The 2012 solar transit of Venus, J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 128 (5), 263-268 (2018).

The Elongations of Venus, 2007-17, Parts 1 and 2, J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 129 (3), 73-88 and (4), 149-157 (2019). [Part I co-authored with P.G.Abel and W.J.Leatherbarrow.]

Remarkable atmospheric waves observed in the atmosphere of Venus, 2015-2020, J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 130, 228-233(2020). [With Paul G. Abel and Emmanuel I. Kardasis.]

Observations of another Venusian atmospheric discontinuity, 2022 May to September, J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 132 (1), 23-25 (2023). [With P.G. Abel]

Obituary Notices of Astronomers [22]

Ben Burrell – an appreciation; The Inner Planets Newsletter, No. 10, 1984, p 1.

William E. Fox; J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 98 (6), 314 (1988) (with John Rogers).

E.H.Collinson, 1903-1990; J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 101 (1), 12-14 (1991).

Matei Alexescu; J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 104 (1), 46 (1994) (with Jean Dragesco).

Gerard de Vaucouleurs, 1918-1995, an appreciation; J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 106 (2), 63 and (4), 182 (1996).

Marco Falorni, 1944-1995; J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 106 (3), 174-175 (1996) (with Paolo Tanga).

Alan Pennell Lenham, 1930-1996; J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 107 (1), 50 (1997).

Michael Francis Atchison, 1932-2002; J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 113 (2), 116 (2003) (with Henry Wildey).

Thomas Roland Cave III (1923-2003), J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 113 (6), 350-351 (2003) (with Thomas Dobbins).

Edward L.Ellis (1931-2006), J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 117 (2), 94 (2007) (with Alan Heath).

R.W.Middleton, 1921-2009, J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 120 (1), 58 (2010).

Audouin Charles Dollfus, 1924-2010, Communications in Mars Observations, No. 378, pp. 49-54 (2010 November 25). [Oriental Astronomical Society Mars Bulletin, Japan]

Audouin Charles Dollfus 1924-2010, Astronomy and Geophysics, 52 (1), 44 (2011).

Donald C. Parker, 1939-2015, J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 125 (3), 177-178 (2015) (with John Rogers).

Walter H. Haas, 1917-2015, J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 125 (4), 244-245 (2015).

P.Devadas, 1923-2015, J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 126, 251 (2016).

Richard M. Baum, 1930-2017: An Appreciation; [with A.W.Heath, W.J.Leatherbarrow and J.H.Shears] J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 128 (2), 109-111 (2018).

Michael Hendrie, 1931-2018: An Appreciation; [with J.Vetterlein] J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 128 (3), 181-182 (2018).

Takeshi Sato (1938-2018); J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 128, 378 (2018); [with John Rogers and Toshihiko Shimamoto]

E.J.Hysom, 1933-2017: An Appreciation; [with N.D.James, M.P.Mobberley & E.J.Reid] J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 130, 184-185 (2020).

Peter W.Parish, 1951-2020; J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 131, 319 (2021).

Alan Winfield Heath, 1931-2024: An appreciation; J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 136, in press (2025) (with James Dawson).

Special Astronomical Lectureships

Laboratory for Planetary Atmospheres, Observatoire de Meudon, Paris, 1988 and 1992
(lectures delivered in French).

Alfred Curtis Memorial Lecturer, BAA Winchester residential course 1993.

British Astronomical Association, Presidential Addresses, 1994 and 1995.

Workshop on Telescopic Mars Observations – II, Tucson, Arizona, USA, 1997 (invited by NASA).

Guest Lecturer Scottish Astronomy Weekend, Dundee, 1997.

Seminar for the Oceanic and Atmospheric Physics Group, Oxford University Physics Department 2001.

History of the Martian Dust Storms, AAS Historical Division, Plenary Session Lecture, Cambridge (UK), 2005 September.

One Century of Mars Observations conference, Observatoire de Meudon, Paris, 2009. (Two lectures; one about E.M.Antoniadi and the other comparing the dust storms of 1909 and 1911 with those of modern times.)

RAS Specialist Discussion Meeting: The History of Astronomical Imaging, London, 2012, lecture entitled “Visual Astronomy in the Sketchbook Era”.

BAA George Alcock Lecture 2014: ‘George Alcock: an artist among the planets’; published in J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 124 (5), 290-294 (2014).

Lecture in the Knight’s Chamber at Peterborough Cathedral to accompany an exhibition of a local amateur in association with the Tim Peake space capsule display; ‘George Alcock’, 2018 October 23.


Sky At Night Mars podcast recorded by Skype 13.11.18.

Revisions of multi-author Astronomical works [2]

Philip’s Encyclopaedia of Astronomy (editor, Caroline Rayner) [revision of Mars entries]; Philip’s, 2002.

Norton’s Star Atlas (editor, Ian Howarth) [revision of Mars entries] (2003).

Publications concerning Oundle School [20]


Railways [2]


Chemistry and Metallurgy papers [7]

Campbell Grant and Richard McKim: Materials with a magnetic future; New Scientist, 94, No. 1308, pp 637-670 (and front cover), 1982.

Mary D. Archer and Richard J. McKim: The Stress Corrosion Behavior of Glassy Fe-40Ni-20B Alloy in Aqueous Acidic Media; Corrosion (The Journal of Science and Engineering), 39, No. 3, pp 91-98, 1983.

M.D.Archer and R.J.McKim: Unusual stress-corrosion cracks observed in glassy Fe-40Ni-14P-6B alloy; Journal of Materials Science, 18, No. 4, pp 1125-1135 (and front cover), 1983.

R.J.McKim and M.D.Archer: Failure modes of stressed glassy alloys in aqueous acidic media, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 58, pp 235-248, 1983.

M.D.Archer, C.C.Corke and R.J.McKim: The passivation of some glassy Fe, Ni, Cr-based glassy alloys examined by in-situ scratching, Proceedings of the 172nd meeting of the American Electrochemical Society, Honolulu, Hawaii, October 17-23, 1987.

Richard McKim and Gerald Keeling: The cathodic reduction of lead (II) ions: crystals and complexes; School Science Review, 72, No. 258, pp 104-106, 1990.

[Editorial] Safety notes, re. oxidation of ethanol, Education in Science, 1990 November.

University Theses [3]

The reactions of amines with the manganese group metal carbonyls;
For the Award of Bachelor of Science (BSc (Honours Class I)) Degree, Chemistry Department, Essex University, 1979.

Investigation of the corrosion-passivation behaviour of amorphous ferrous-based alloys;
For the Award of Certificate of Postgraduate Study, Physical Chemistry Department, Cambrige University, 1980.

The corrosion-passivation behaviour of glassy ferrous-based alloys;
For the Award of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Degree, Cambridge University, Department of Physical Chemistry, 1983.

Cameo appearances

Astounding Days: The Science Fictional Autobiography; by Arthur C. Clarke, Victor Gollancz Ltd., 1990. [see pp 110-111]

Audouin Dollfus: 50 Ans D’Astronomie, EDP Sciences, 1998. [in picture, uncredited, p 141]

Audouin Dollfus, Observation de Mars avec la Grande Lunette de Meudon, Bull. Soc. Astron. France, 113, 231- 238 (1999).  [photograph p 236]

Martin Mobberley, Astronomical Equipment for Amateurs, Springer, 1998 [Photo of my 22 cm Newtonian, p. 20, and mention on pp. 224-225].

Martin Mobberley, It came from outer space wearing an RAF Blazer! A fan’s biography of Sir Patrick Moore, Springer, 2013. [several references]

Martin Mobberley, Return to the far side of Planet Moore: Rambling through observations, friendships and antics of Sir Patrick Moore, Springer, 2015 [several references, and one photo].

DVD publication [1]

 Memoirs of the British Astronomical Association: The first 100 years, Volumes 1-42 (2017 June; with Sheridan Williams).

 Anonymous publication [1]


Book Reviews [178]

Chemistry, Physics and Astronomy reviews, written for:

Journal of the British Astronomical Association [37]

School Science Review [83]

The Observatory Magazine [54]

Astronomy Now [4]

Astronomy and Geophysics (formerly Quarterly Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society) [1]

BAA Sky Notes [1]

In lieu of delivery in person at cancelled 2020 March Ordinary Meeting.

BAA Web Tutorial [1]

Drawing the Planets: some tips and anecdotes. Posted 2020 June 14.

BAA Observers’ Challenge [1]

Hunting the moons of Mars. Posted 2020 September 1.


Running total: 652 publications  

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