Historical Section Webinar

Saturday 21st Nov 202014:30

We are pleased to announce a Webinar in lieu of the annual Historical Section meeting that was due to be held at the Birmingham and Midland Institute.

Click here to join the meeting via Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89322266036?pwd=dmJKd2taRzh0bG90ZFVqayt0aUUxZz09

For anyone who does not wish to join via Zoom or is unable to install the software, then we will also be streaming the webinar live on our BAA YouTube channel. Please note we have a capacity of 100 attendees in the Zoom webinar, so if you join once we have reached this capacity you will be directed to our YouTube livestream.

14:30 Dr Geoff Belknap – The Early History of Astrophotography

Dr Belknap is head curator of the National Science and Media Museum, Bradford.