The Collinder catalog in Taurus

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Name Type Mag Constellation Right
Declination Other names Number of
Name Type Mag Constellation Right
Declination Other names Number of
Cr 42Open cluster1.3Taurus03h47m+24°06'
Pleiades, Seven Sisters, Subaru, M 45, Mel 22
209 images »
Cr 50Open cluster1.0Taurus04h27m+16°00'
Hyades, C 41, Mel 25
26 images »
Cr 54Open cluster6.4Taurus04h45m+19°05'
NGC 1647, Mel 26
7 images »
Cr 57Open cluster6.1Taurus05h03m+23°46'
NGC 1746, Mel 28
3 images »
Cr 59Open cluster7.0Taurus05h10m+16°30'
NGC 1807, Mel 29
3 images »
Cr 60Open cluster7.7Taurus05h12m+16°41'
NGC 1817
2 images »
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