The Markarian galaxies in Andromeda

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Name Type Mag Constellation Right
Declination Other names Number of
Mrk 2Galaxy14.2Andromeda01h54m+36°55'
UGC 1385, PGC 7111
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Mrk 336Galaxy13.8Andromeda00h08m+33°04'
NGC 7836, UGC 65, PGC 608
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Mrk 340Galaxy15.3Andromeda00h28m+31°09'
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Mrk 341Galaxy cluster13.3Andromeda00h36m+23°59'
Arp 282
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Mrk 344Galaxy15.5Andromeda00h38m+23°36'
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Mrk 345Galaxy15.1Andromeda00h40m+25°01'
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Mrk 346Galaxy16.5Andromeda00h44m+27°26'
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Mrk 347Galaxy14.9Andromeda00h47m+22°22'
IC 1586
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Mrk 348Galaxy15.0Andromeda00h48m+31°57'
NGC 262, UGC 499, PGC 2855
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Mrk 350Galaxy15.2Andromeda00h57m+23°53'
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Mrk 551Galaxy14.8Andromeda00h29m+30°33'
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Mrk 924Galaxy14.6Andromeda22h58m+35°48'
NGC 7440, UGC 12276, PGC 70152
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Mrk 925Galaxy15.0Andromeda23h03m+41°24'
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Mrk 939Galaxy15.7Andromeda00h14m+48°08'
IC 1536
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Mrk 940Galaxy16.0Andromeda00h14m+34°12'
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Mrk 941Galaxy16.5Andromeda00h15m+34°48'
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Mrk 950Galaxy15.7Andromeda00h29m+32°53'
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Mrk 953Galaxy15.5Andromeda00h37m+35°54'
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Mrk 957Galaxy15.7Andromeda00h41m+40°21'
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Mrk 958Galaxy15.5Andromeda00h42m+33°31'
UGC 457, PGC 2571
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Mrk 961Galaxy16.5Andromeda00h51m+33°56'
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Mrk 967Galaxy16.0Andromeda00h59m+35°31'
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Mrk 971Galaxy16.5Andromeda01h04m+35°34'
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Mrk 977Galaxy15.1Andromeda01h16m+39°03'
UGC 822, PGC 4604
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Mrk 980Galaxy16.0Andromeda01h19m+34°51'
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Mrk 985Galaxy14.9Andromeda01h20m+38°09'
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Mrk 987Galaxy14.2Andromeda01h22m+34°26'
IC 1683, UGC 916, PGC 5008
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Mrk 988Galaxy14.7Andromeda01h23m+34°34'
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Mrk 990Galaxy15.7Andromeda01h24m+34°46'
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Mrk 1011Galaxy14.9Andromeda01h56m+36°48'
NGC 732, UGC 1406, PGC 7270
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Mrk 1128Galaxy15.5Andromeda23h02m+38°42'
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Mrk 1136Galaxy16.5Andromeda23h51m+35°39'
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Mrk 1140Galaxy17.0Andromeda00h16m+24°47'
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Mrk 1141Galaxy16.0Andromeda00h18m+22°28'
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Mrk 1142Galaxy16.0Andromeda00h20m+21°57'
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Mrk 1150Galaxy16.5Andromeda01h02m+35°06'
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Mrk 1157Galaxy14.0Andromeda01h33m+35°40'
NGC 591, UGC 1111, PGC 5800
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Mrk 1170Galaxy15.3Andromeda01h58m+37°34'
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Mrk 1176Galaxy15.0Andromeda02h27m+42°00'
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