The Principal Galaxies Catalogue in Andromeda

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Declination Other names Number of
Name Type Mag Constellation Right
Declination Other names Number of
PGC 2Galaxy14.0Andromeda00h00m+47°16'
UGC 12889
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PGC 35Galaxy17.0Andromeda00h00m+39°29'
UGC 12894
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PGC 55Galaxy16.5Andromeda00h00m+33°36'
UGC 12898
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PGC 91Galaxy15.4Andromeda00h01m+34°40'
UGC 12904
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PGC 102Galaxy14.6Andromeda00h01m+34°31'
IC 5376, UGC 12909
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PGC 148Galaxy16.0Andromeda00h01m+40°20'
UGC 12917
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PGC 175Galaxy17.0Andromeda00h02m+44°55'
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PGC 309Galaxy16.0Andromeda00h04m+33°33'
UGC 30
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PGC 499Galaxy16.0Andromeda00h06m+47°52'
UGC 48
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PGC 527Galaxy17.0Andromeda00h06m+41°44'
UGC 54
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PGC 540Galaxy17.0Andromeda00h06m+46°38'
UGC 55
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PGC 569Galaxy13.3Andromeda00h07m+32°36'
NGC 7831, UGC 60
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PGC 574Galaxy14.3Andromeda00h07m+47°02'
UGC 61
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PGC 591Galaxy15.5Andromeda00h07m+40°52'
UGC 64
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PGC 595Galaxy14.6Andromeda00h07m+35°21'
NGC 5, UGC 62
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PGC 598Galaxy15.6Andromeda00h07m+35°57'
UGC 63
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PGC 608Galaxy13.8Andromeda00h08m+33°04'
NGC 7836, Mrk 336, UGC 65
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PGC 638Galaxy15.7Andromeda00h08m+44°05'
UGC 71
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PGC 642Galaxy14.4Andromeda00h08m+37°26'
NGC 11, UGC 73
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PGC 650Galaxy14.1Andromeda00h08m+33°25'
NGC 13, UGC 77
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PGC 676Galaxy14.5Andromeda00h09m+47°21'
UGC 85
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PGC 679Galaxy14.4Andromeda00h09m+33°18'
NGC 6, UGC 84
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PGC 726Galaxy15.6Andromeda00h10m+30°50'
UGC 93
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PGC 731Galaxy15.7Andromeda00h10m+28°59'
UGC 95
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PGC 742Galaxy14.4Andromeda00h10m+28°59'
NGC 27, UGC 96
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PGC 748Galaxy15.6Andromeda00h10m+28°40'
UGC 97
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PGC 759Galaxy13.8Andromeda00h10m+32°58'
NGC 19, UGC 98
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PGC 767Galaxy13.4Andromeda00h10m+33°21'
NGC 21, UGC 100
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PGC 772Galaxy15.4Andromeda00h10m+25°33'
UGC 101
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PGC 779Galaxy14.8Andromeda00h11m+30°03'
UGC 102
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PGC 791Galaxy15.1Andromeda00h11m+28°54'
UGC 105
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PGC 810Galaxy16.0Andromeda00h11m+27°56'
UGC 107
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PGC 816Galaxy14.8Andromeda00h11m+28°29'
UGC 108
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PGC 830Galaxy15.3Andromeda00h12m+26°23'
UGC 110
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PGC 841Galaxy17.0Andromeda00h12m+41°45'
UGC 112
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PGC 852Galaxy14.3Andromeda00h12m+31°03'
NGC 39, UGC 114
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PGC 869Galaxy15.2Andromeda00h12m+33°21'
UGC 117
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PGC 874Galaxy15.4Andromeda00h13m+39°14'
UGC 121
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PGC 875Galaxy13.9Andromeda00h13m+30°54'
NGC 43, UGC 120
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PGC 896Galaxy15.5Andromeda00h13m+28°22'
UGC 124
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PGC 910Galaxy15.1Andromeda00h13m+48°09'
IC 1534, UGC 125
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PGC 912Galaxy16.5Andromeda00h13m+26°58'
UGC 127
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PGC 913Galaxy16.5Andromeda00h13m+35°59'
UGC 128
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PGC 921Galaxy14.2Andromeda00h13m+30°52'
UGC 130
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PGC 922Galaxy15.2Andromeda00h13m+48°09'
IC 1535, UGC 131
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PGC 929Galaxy14.9Andromeda00h14m+48°14'
NGC 48, UGC 133
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PGC 952Galaxy15.2Andromeda00h14m+48°14'
NGC 49, UGC 136
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PGC 962Galaxy15.7Andromeda00h14m+48°40'
UGC 137
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PGC 970Galaxy15.7Andromeda00h14m+28°27'
UGC 141
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PGC 974Galaxy14.4Andromeda00h14m+48°15'
NGC 51, UGC 138
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PGC 1044Galaxy15.4Andromeda00h15m+27°26'
UGC 146
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PGC 1046Galaxy14.6Andromeda00h15m+29°40'
UGC 147
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PGC 1089Galaxy15.7Andromeda00h16m+29°55'
UGC 152
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PGC 1113Galaxy15.1Andromeda00h16m+27°50'
UGC 157
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PGC 1123Galaxy15.5Andromeda00h17m+42°09'
UGC 158
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PGC 1128Galaxy16.5Andromeda00h17m+34°29'
UGC 160
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PGC 1154Galaxy15.5Andromeda00h17m+30°12'
UGC 166
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PGC 1158Galaxy15.4Andromeda00h17m+24°40'
UGC 165
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PGC 1187Galaxy13.0Andromeda00h18m+30°04'
NGC 68, UGC 170
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PGC 1194Galaxy14.5Andromeda00h18m+30°04'
NGC 70, Arp 113, UGC 174
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PGC 1197Galaxy14.1Andromeda00h18m+30°03'
NGC 71, UGC 173
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PGC 1204Galaxy14.6Andromeda00h18m+30°02'
NGC 72, UGC 176
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PGC 1231Galaxy15.3Andromeda00h19m+23°28'
UGC 179
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PGC 1267Galaxy14.1Andromeda00h19m+29°56'
NGC 76, UGC 185
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PGC 1276Galaxy14.9Andromeda00h19m+23°46'
IC 1540, UGC 186
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PGC 1296Galaxy16.5Andromeda00h20m+42°34'
UGC 190
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PGC 1333Galaxy14.2Andromeda00h20m+21°52'
IC 1543, UGC 198
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PGC 1349Galaxy14.5Andromeda00h21m+27°12'
UGC 202
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PGC 1351Galaxy12.3Andromeda00h21m+22°21'
NGC 80, UGC 203
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PGC 1362Galaxy14.1Andromeda00h21m+23°05'
IC 1544, UGC 204
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PGC 1371Galaxy12.6Andromeda00h21m+22°26'
NGC 83, UGC 206
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PGC 1387Galaxy15.6Andromeda00h21m+29°39'
UGC 207
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PGC 1405Galaxy13.8Andromeda00h21m+22°24'
NGC 90, UGC 208
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PGC 1412Galaxy13.3Andromeda00h22m+22°24'
NGC 93, UGC 209
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PGC 1413Galaxy15.0Andromeda00h22m+23°44'
UGC 210
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PGC 1439Galaxy14.9Andromeda00h22m+29°30'
UGC 215
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PGC 1442Galaxy13.4Andromeda00h22m+29°44'
NGC 97, UGC 216
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PGC 1450Galaxy17.0Andromeda00h22m+28°07'
UGC 217
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PGC 1491Galaxy14.5Andromeda00h23m+27°25'
UGC 221
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PGC 1498Galaxy18.0Andromeda00h23m+35°08'
UGC 222
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PGC 1512Galaxy14.7Andromeda00h23m+26°55'
UGC 227
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PGC 1516Galaxy15.3Andromeda00h23m+28°20'
UGC 229
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PGC 1520Galaxy14.8Andromeda00h23m+24°18'
UGC 228
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PGC 1546Galaxy14.7Andromeda00h24m+33°15'
UGC 232
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PGC 1552Galaxy15.6Andromeda00h24m+29°33'
UGC 234
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PGC 1559Galaxy16.0Andromeda00h24m+45°09'
UGC 235
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PGC 1567Galaxy15.0Andromeda00h24m+43°39'
UGC 236
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PGC 1572Galaxy14.4Andromeda00h25m+31°20'
UGC 238
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PGC 1576Galaxy16.5Andromeda00h25m+42°03'
UGC 239
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PGC 1592Galaxy14.9Andromeda00h25m+45°55'
UGC 243
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PGC 1594Galaxy14.9Andromeda00h25m+24°48'
UGC 244
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PGC 1619Galaxy13.3Andromeda00h25m+29°12'
NGC 108, UGC 246
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PGC 1633Galaxy13.7Andromeda00h26m+21°48'
NGC 109, UGC 251
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PGC 1642Galaxy16.5Andromeda00h26m+39°29'
UGC 254
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PGC 1654Galaxy14.4Andromeda00h26m+31°42'
NGC 112, UGC 255
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PGC 1675Galaxy14.8Andromeda00h27m+24°10'
UGC 261
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PGC 1679Galaxy15.1Andromeda00h27m+39°47'
UGC 262
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PGC 1681Galaxy16.5Andromeda00h27m+44°03'
UGC 263
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PGC 1717Galaxy17.0Andromeda00h28m+25°59'
UGC 273
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PGC 1720Galaxy15.6Andromeda00h27m+30°36'
UGC 274
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