The New General Catalogue (NGC) in Pegasus

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Name Type Mag Constellation Right
Declination Other names Number of
Name Type Mag Constellation Right
Declination Other names Number of
NGC 7777Galaxy14.5Pegasus23h53m+28°17'
UGC 12829, PGC 72744
0 images »
NGC 7784Galaxy15.6Pegasus23h55m+21°45'
0 images »
NGC 7786Galaxy13.9Pegasus23h55m+21°35'
UGC 12842, PGC 72870
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NGC 7791Double starPegasus23h57m+10°45'
0 images »
NGC 7792Galaxy14.8Pegasus23h58m+16°30'
0 images »
NGC 7794Galaxy13.7Pegasus23h58m+10°43'
UGC 12872, PGC 73103
0 images »
NGC 7798Galaxy12.7Pegasus23h59m+20°44'
Mrk 332, UGC 12884, PGC 73163
0 images »
NGC 7799StarPegasus23h59m31s+31°17'44"
0 images »
NGC 7800Galaxy13.3Pegasus23h59m+14°48'
UGC 12885, PGC 73177
1 image »
NGC 7803Galaxy14.1Pegasus00h01m+13°06'
UGC 12906, PGC 101
1 image »
NGC 7805Galaxy14.3Pegasus00h01m+31°26'
Mrk 333, UGC 12908, PGC 109
1 image »
NGC 7806Galaxy14.3Pegasus00h01m+31°26'
UGC 12911, PGC 112
1 image »
NGC 7810Galaxy14.3Pegasus00h02m+12°58'
UGC 12919, PGC 163
1 image »
NGC 7814Galaxy10.5Pegasus00h03m+16°08'
C 43, UGC 8, PGC 218
10 images »
NGC 7815StarPegasus00h03m24s+20°42'15"
0 images »
NGC 7817Galaxy12.1Pegasus00h03m+20°45'
UGC 19, PGC 279
1 image »
NGC 7819Galaxy13.6Pegasus00h04m+31°28'
UGC 26, PGC 303
0 images »
NGC 7833NebulaPegasus00h06m+27°38'
0 images »
NGC 7839Double starPegasus00h07m+27°38'
0 images »
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