The Principal Galaxies Catalogue in Triangulum

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Name Type Mag Constellation Right
Declination Other names Number of
Name Type Mag Constellation Right
Declination Other names Number of
PGC 9902Galaxy15.1Triangulum02h36m+31°35'
UGC 2087
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PGC 9905Galaxy15.7Triangulum02h36m+36°08'
UGC 2084
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PGC 9906Galaxy15.4Triangulum02h36m+34°36'
UGC 2090
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PGC 9911Galaxy13.4Triangulum02h36m+33°19'
NGC 987, Mrk 1180, UGC 2093
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PGC 9912Galaxy13.8Triangulum02h36m+36°06'
UGC 2094
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PGC 9941Galaxy15.6Triangulum02h37m+33°37'
UGC 2100
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PGC 9958Galaxy13.9Triangulum02h37m+34°25'
Mrk 1050, UGC 2105
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PGC 9972Galaxy14.5Triangulum02h37m+34°14'
UGC 2109
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PGC 9996Galaxy16.5Triangulum02h38m+33°12'
UGC 2117
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PGC 10013Galaxy13.3Triangulum02h38m+32°04'
IC 1823, UGC 2125
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PGC 10017Galaxy15.6Triangulum02h38m+33°26'
UGC 2131
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PGC 10034Galaxy13.9Triangulum02h38m+34°37'
NGC 983, UGC 2133
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PGC 10053Galaxy18.0Triangulum02h39m+36°23'
UGC 2139
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PGC 10080Galaxy14.0Triangulum02h39m+36°04'
UGC 2143
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PGC 10112Galaxy14.5Triangulum02h40m+32°15'
UGC 2156
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PGC 10182Galaxy15.7Triangulum02h41m+35°51'
UGC 2166
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PGC 10202Galaxy15.5Triangulum02h41m+37°13'
UGC 2169
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PGC 10218Galaxy17.0Triangulum02h41m+32°05'
UGC 2171
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PGC 10227Galaxy15.2Triangulum02h42m+32°22'
UGC 2174
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PGC 10274Galaxy17.0Triangulum02h42m+32°41'
UGC 2182
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PGC 10287Galaxy15.7Triangulum02h43m+32°29'
NGC 1057, UGC 2184
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PGC 10302Galaxy11.8Triangulum02h43m+32°25'
NGC 1060, UGC 2191
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PGC 10310Galaxy15.6Triangulum02h43m+31°28'
UGC 2197
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PGC 10319Galaxy15.7Triangulum02h43m+31°47'
UGC 2198
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PGC 10331Galaxy15.7Triangulum02h43m+32°29'
UGC 2201
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PGC 10337Galaxy16.5Triangulum02h43m+32°23'
UGC 2202
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PGC 10338Galaxy14.8Triangulum02h43m+32°28'
NGC 1066, UGC 2203
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PGC 10339Galaxy13.7Triangulum02h43m+32°30'
NGC 1067, UGC 2204
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PGC 10343Galaxy15.0Triangulum02h43m+33°20'
UGC 2206
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PGC 10346Galaxy15.3Triangulum02h43m+33°10'
UGC 2205
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PGC 10375Galaxy15.4Triangulum02h44m+33°44'
UGC 2212
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PGC 10408Galaxy15.4Triangulum02h44m+32°42'
UGC 2218
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PGC 10417Galaxy14.9Triangulum02h45m+32°59'
UGC 2222
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PGC 10420Galaxy15.2Triangulum02h45m+32°58'
UGC 2225
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PGC 10512Galaxy15.6Triangulum02h46m+32°26'
UGC 2239
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PGC 10606Galaxy14.2Triangulum02h48m+34°25'
NGC 1093, UGC 2274
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