Observation by Tony Rodda: First observations after rebuild.....!

Uploaded by

Tony Rodda


Tony Rodda


2017 Aug 17 - 10:15


2017 Aug 17 - 10:26



  • C925+CGEM
  • ALPY600 with photometric slit
  • ATIK460EX

Newcastle upon Tyne

Target name

AG Peg


First observations after rebuild.....!

About this image

Hi all,

After a summer which saw my observatory PC crash and burn (after a disastrous WIn10 upgrade) and the retrofitting of a new photometric slit for the Alpy it was good to get a clear, dark night at last.

Here's AG Peg.  Processed with both ISIS and Demetra.  Note the (almost) exact fit produced by both processing but the latter has picked up an extra hydrogen line blue-ward.  Probably my 'iffy' response curve generation in ISIS!


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