Observation by Tim Haymes: 174P Inner-coma extension in PA 220?

Uploaded by

Tim Haymes


Tim Haymes


2017 Dec 14 - 18:20


2017 Dec 14 - 23:55


174P Echeclus (60558)

  • 30cm F/4
  • Atik 428ex (2x2 bin)
  • TEC -15C

30sec, stack of 11 frames


Nr Reading, UK

Target name



174P Inner-coma extension in PA 220?

About this image

Ive been following this outburst since Dec 9th. This image was taken earlier in the evening some time before cullmination because the weather was bringing cloud.  An expanded inset suggest that the condensed coma has some structure, whereas before it did not.  Is it my imagination?   The camera was 2x2 binned (9 micron) which is not ideal.

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Nick James
Nick James, 2017 Dec 15 - 07:33 UTC

Excellent image. There is a faint star involved in the coma to the NE (approx PA 60) so I think that is what you are seeing. My image was taken a little later and the star is then well separated from the inner coma.

Tim Haymes
Tim Haymes, 2017 Dec 15 - 17:50 UTC

Thanks Nick, i hadnt anticipated the presence of background a star.  Your image is very clear.

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