Observation by David Vernet/Jean-Pierre Prost and Philippe Cambret: Mars in Splendid Detail
Uploaded by
Paul Downing
David Vernet/Jean-Pierre Prost and Philippe Cambret
2020 Oct 24 - 20:17
2020 Nov 14 - 10:32
- C2PU Omicron Telescope (1 metre)
- ZWO 290MM and ZWO 290MC cameras
Calern Observatory, Provence, France
Target name
Mars in Splendid Detail
About this image
This fine image of Mars was taken on 24th October, 2020 using a 1-meter diameter C2PU Cassegrain telescope at Calern Observatory (South of France). The observers used a ZWO 290MM camera + RG610 Ir filter for luminance and a ZWO 290MC camera + IrCut filter for colour. With such equipment, the acquisitions are simpler since they can be made with the same optical setup and processing is much easier. The videos were processed through AS3! then Astrosurface software and finally reassembled in Photoshop.
Very detailed views of Mars features can be seen, particularly of Valles Marineris and also of Argyre Planitia with lots of craters
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Jeremy Shears,
Ray Emery,
Graeme Coates,
Graham Roberts,
Martin Lewis,
Philip Masding,
David Basey,
Richard Miles,
Graham Winstanley,
Stewart John Bean,
Luigi Morrone,
Alan Thomas,
Tony Boutle,
Andy Wilson,
Tony Morris,
Ian Hynes
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