Observation by David Davies: M1, The Crab Nebula
Uploaded by
David Davies
David Davies
2022 Mar 07 - 22:01
2022 Mar 15 - 13:09
The Crab Nebula (M1)
- 8-inch Ritchey-Chretien
- Skywatcher EQ8 mount
- QSI 683 camera
25 x 5-min lum, 15 x 5-min RGB
Cambridge, UK
Target name
M1, The Crab Nebula
M1, The Crab Nebula
About this image
I've returned to the Crab Nebula as part of understanding the imaging differences between my one-shot ASI 294MC Pro camera and my QSI 683 mono camera with Astrodon filters.
The 294 camera produces a pleasing image, but the HII regions are very weak and rendered orange rather than red. I suspect that this is due to the green pixels having significant sensitivity at the red end of the spectrum and capture these HII regions as being partly green in colour. Hence the 'orange' rendering of the HII red.
By contrast, the HII tracks are rendered red in this image as the Astrodon filters have very sharp cut-offs between the colours.
I think the Crab Nebula is a tricky target. Although it is quite bright, it is relatively large, so the surface brightness is low. So you need lots of data to bring out the detail.
I was plagued by hazy skies and the luminance data, in particular, was barely useable. Nonetheless, it is quite a pleasing image, and I've tried to hold back the temptation to pop up the colours. The presented image is very much how it came out of PixInsight's Photometric Colour Calibration tool.
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Hi David
I am charged with developing a poster to prmote the Deep Sky Section and would like to feature your Crab nebula image, but as the poster will be large, I need a full fat version! If you are in agreement, can it be emailed to me (nickdhewitt@btinternet.com).
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