Observation by Peter Tickner: A partial eclipse wheel

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Peter Tickner


Peter Tickner


2022 Oct 25 - 10:30


2022 Oct 25 - 20:56


The Sun

  • ZWO ASI482MC
  • Herschel Wedge
  • 70 mm f/6 refractor
  • EQ6 mount

Urban Berkshire

Target name



A partial eclipse wheel

About this image

This is a wheel of my most usable images from a cloud affected partial eclipse morning.  On top of that I had  a series of minor kit disasters as I went along to keep me fully occupied!  They ranged from putting the wrong fitting on so the camera couldn't focus at first, the recording software crashing, the laptop refusing to recognise the camera until two reboots, a meridian flip to avoid a strut from my own observatoryblocking the view mid eclipse causing half the kit to fall off, my cats deciding to pounce on the power cables when I wasn't looking and my mount having a hissy fit and deciding I had exceeded its tracking limits and refusing to move until I rebooted it as well.  

The joys of live astronomy!


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