Observation by Grant Privett: C29P

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Grant Privett


Grant Privett


2022 Dec 29 - 21:45


2022 Dec 29 - 22:03


29P Schwassmann-Wachmann

  • 300mm f/4 Newtonian
  • Trius 694 mono
  • NEQ6+Rowan belt upgrade

60x 30s


Near Salisbury

Target name

C/29P In outburst (again)



About this image

I heard that Nick found C29P to be in outburst on Boxing Day night, so tried it on the first available clear night.

An interesting sight with the bright outburst in the midst of the debris from the previous one.

EDIT: Nope. It was Denis - see Nick's comment below.

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Nick James
Nick James, 2022 Dec 30 - 01:10 UTC

Grant - It was Denis Buczynski who detected the outburst from Tarbatness (see here). I was too stuffed and preoccupied with a never-ending set of Scrabble games so no observations from me. 

Grant Privett
Grant Privett, 2022 Dec 30 - 10:26 UTC

Apologies to Denis. So much for my memory. 

Festivities got in the way for me too, though I did notice the Boxing Day sky was rather nice.

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