Observation by Alan Thomas: Karachentsev 570: Galaxy Pair in Pegasus

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Alan Thomas


Alan Thomas


2022 Nov 26 - 23:04


2022 Dec 31 - 15:12



  • 42cm CDK17 corrected Dall-Kirkham f/6.8
  • FLI ProLine KAF-09000 camera
  • 10Micron GM4000 mount



Observatorio del Teide, Tenerife

Target name

Karachentsev 570: Galaxy Pair in Pegasus


Karachentsev 570: Galaxy Pair in Pegasus

About this image

These two galaxies in Pegasus were discovered by William Herschel in September 1784. They are separated by about 5 arc minutes.

NGC7339 (left) is a spiral galaxy. Distance c.69million ly. Diameter c.40,000ly. Apparent mag. c.12.

NGC7332 (right) is an edge-on lenticular galaxy. Distance c.67million ly. Diameter c.60,000ly. Apparent mag. c.11.

The image was obtained remotely using the COAST in Tenerife. NGC7332 appears as a bright well-defined nucleus set in the middle of a fainter spindle, fading away to diffuse extremities. NGC7339 appears as a faint cigar shape, with some ill-defined patches of brightness towards its centre.

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