Juno at PJ55

Here is our report on the JunoCam images at PJ55.  The highlight was Juno’s closest-yet flyby of Io, showing plenty of surface detail, and volcanic plumes from Prometheus and Zamama.  Because of the Io flyby, the global map of Jupiter was incomplete; but the best inbound images did cover an interesting sector of the NEB, including White Spot Z and a notable bright plume outbreak (image below; described fully in our ground-based 2023/23 Report no.1).  Juno’s north polar map was particularly complete, showing all but one of the circumpolar cyclones (image below).

The report with small-scale figures is in this PDF:  Report-on-PJ55_JHR

The full-size figures are in this ZIP file: PJ55-Report_Figures

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