JunoCam at PJ57: Jupiter

Here is our report on the PJ57 images of Jupiter.   JunoCam produced an excellent series of images covering the whole planet inbound, and the north polar region at high resolution.  A section of the NEB containing a series of large interesting circulations has now been well imaged at PJ55, PJ56, and PJ57.  These  images also showed the site of an impact flash detected from Earth only 12 hours earlier, in the latitude of the whitened northern NTB. They showed nothing unusual there, but this was a very valuable observation, as it was the soonest spacecraft imagery for any of the impact sites since the Comet Crash in 1994.

This report is complemented by our ground-based 2023/24 Report no.4, which is posted on our “Jupiter in 2023-24” page.

The report text is here (PDF):   Report-on-PJ57_Jup_text

Small copies of the figures are here (PDF):   Report-on-PJ57-Jup_Minifigs

The full-size figures are here (ZIP):  PJ57-Report_Jupiter_Figures

Below are (i) the whole-planet map; (ii) a labelled image of the NEB and the impact site (actually posted in our 2023/24 Report no.4); (iii) an animation of south polar maps showing that the winds are still blowing strongly in the jets and FFRs.

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