JunoCam at PJ63

JunoCam images at PJ63

John Rogers (BAA)


Perijove-63 was on 2024 July 16.   As Juno’s orbit has evolved, the planet does not enter the camera’s field of view until shortly before north pole crossing, so only a small sector of the northern hemisphere was recorded — albeit at high resolution (including a good view of the anticyclonic, methane-bright oval, NN-LRS-1).  Perijove was at 53.1ºN and equator crossing at L3=257, both on the night side.   The high southern latitudes were imaged as usual on the outbound leg.

North Polar Region

Images 36 & 37 showed the CPCs well (Figure 1).  The NPC is displaced from the pole by 1.3º, in the usual direction.  Two AWOs (red arrows) are in the same positions as at PJ62, though not so white now.  In Figure 2, this PJ63 map is combined with the map from PJ60, the last that showed the opposite side.  The octagon of CPCs is still very stable.

A wider map of the north polar region is in Figure 3.

Global mapping

Figure 4 is the global cylindrical map from PJ63, and Figure 5 is the south polar projection map.


This report with miniature figures, is here as a PDF:   Report-on-PJ63

The full-size figures are in this ZIP file:  PJ63-report_Figures

Figures 2 & 4 are copied below.


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