Light Pollution Maps

  • A detailed light pollution map of the UK, created by Frédéric Tapissier, president of Avex (a French organization for astronomy and information on light pollution) is at
  • Philip’s/CfDS Dark Skies Map of Britain and Ireland (ISBN 0-540-08612-6) is a folding map of the range of sky visibility, with main roads and places shown.
  • The CPRE produces an interactive Night Blight map of mainland Britain.
  • The Need-Less Interactive Night Sky Simulator on, created by Commission for Dark Skies member and graphic designer Dan Nixon, is a wonderful tool for searching out dark-sky sites in the UK. Just move the cursor around the country, zoom in to a location, and watch the Milky Way come and go:
  • An excellent light pollution map of the USA is at, together with other highly detailed maps of light pollution on all continents.
  • A detailed interactive map from the US National Park Service is at
  • Try also (Earth Observation Group, NOAA National Geophysical Data Center and Slovenian astronomer Jurij Stare)
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