Lunar Section Publications

The Lunar Section Circular: 1965 – to present is published at approximately monthly intervals. This contains general news and the results of the Section’s observational work. All the circulars commencing from Volume 01, Number 01, 1965 to the present day, can be viewed at ‘The Lunar Section Circular Library’. 

Please note: You will find that some of the circulars dated before 2009, have been printed with the wrong Volume Number.

The Moon: Occasional Papers Notes and Records of the Lunar Section of the British Astronomical Association , were first launched in July 2011. It as an annual publication, to complement the emphasis of the Lunar Section Circulars, which are a rapid publication of current observations.  The Moon: Notes and Records are devoted to the dissemination of the more considered and detailed outcomes of members’ observations, and of the observing programmes carried out by the Section.  It also serves to report the proceedings of the Section as a whole. It contains more organised observational results and reports of work in progress.

Since the publication of the Volume 2 in December 2012, The Moon has been called , The Moon: Occasional Papers. It is only the name that has changed, not its content. All the Occasional Papers from July 2011 can be viewed at The Moon: Occasional Papers Library .

The Moon: 1950 – 1967  Published during the years when the interests of the Lunar Section were dominated by lunar cartography and the study of topographic areas of particular interest. ‘The Moon’ was the lifeblood of the Section, showcasing the work of some of the most outstanding visual observers. This, of course, was the time before mapping of the lunar surface by spacecraft rendered amateur cartography redundant. Led by Directors such as H.P. Wilkins, Ewen Whitaker and Patrick Moore, the Lunar Section enjoyed something of a golden age during this period, and we hope that you find the contents of “The Moon” fascinating. Visit The Moon: 1950 – 1967 Library .


The New Moon: 1982 – 2010  First appeared in May 1982 under the editorship of Denis Buczynski. It was intended as a continuation of the earlier bulletin The Moon and to help promote topographical study at a time when much of the work of the Lunar Section was centred on the study of reported transient phenomena. It certainly succeeded in this aim and brought the work of many fine visual observers to the fore. With the shift of emphasis away from visual work and towards imaging, along with production advances that allowed the high quality reproduction of both drawings and images in the Lunar Section Circular, the need for a publication like The New Moon faded. It was replaced by The Moon: Occasional Papers, copies of which may also be found on this site. Find these in The New Moon:1982-2010 Library .


The publications of the BAA Lunar Section and the images contained within them are copyrighted, and permission must be sought from the BAA Lunar Section before using any of this material in any published work (including print, web and other media).

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