BAA RA Zoom Conference Meetings Archive
You will find links to the BAA RAGZ Zoom Conference Recordings below along with links to any papers that have been presented and shared.
Fri. 7th Feb 10th. 19:30 GMT – The Recording can be found on the BAA You Tube Channel Here (it will open in a new window)
Terrestrial Navigation from Cosmic Radiation
Jaron Samson, Radio Frequency Systems Division ESTEC, European Space Agency
Navigation on earth is typically performed using satellite-based systems such as GPS. However, even if GPS is widely used, it has several weaknesses. For instance, it cannot be used underwater or underground. A few years ago, the concept of underwater and underground navigation using muons has been demonstrated. This presentation will address the principles, strengths and weaknesses of navigation using muons.
Fri. 10th Jan 10th. 19:30 GMT – The Recording can be found on the BAA You Tube Channel Here (it will open in a new window)
Developing and deploying an instrument for measuring ionisation in the atmosphere
Dr Justin Tabbett Bristol University, School of Civil, Aerospace and Design Engineering
High energy particles from space – cosmic rays – contribute significantly to the ionisation of the atmosphere and can affect electronics as well as the weather and climate. Having tools which can be deployed during periods of changing cosmic ray activity are vital to understanding the effects of cosmic rays in different regions of the atmosphere. This talk explores the development and then the deployment of such an instrument on a balloon flight in July 2024.
Fri. Dec. 06th 19:30 BST (18:30 UTC) – The Recording can be found on the BAA You Tube Channel Here (it will open in a new window)
Cosmic ray muon measurement at a global scale and the associated applications by Professor Xiaochun He Department of Physics & Astronomy, Georgia State University.
The development of a global network for Cosmic ray muon detection is described. The focus of the presentation will be on the detector development and the expansion of the detector network worldwide which will be mainly used for monitoring the dynamic changes in the space and terrestrial weather in real-time at global scale
Fri. Sept. 30th 19:30 BST (18:30 UTC) – The Recording can be found on the BAA You Tube Channel Here (it will open in a new window)
Portugal Amateur Radio Astronomy Centre by Michiel Klaassen
The Event Horizon Telescope by Derek Ward-Thompson
Fri. Sept. 6th 19:30 BST (18:30 UTC) – The Recording can be found on the BAA You Tube Channel Here (it will open in a new window)
Active Galactic Nuclei – AGN – ALMA and LOFAR investigations.
Dr Jonathon Pierce and Dr Luke Holden– University of Hertfordshire
Monday the 10th June at 19:15 BSTT (18:15 UTC) – The Recording can be found on the BAA You Tube Channel Here (it will open in a new window)
Paving the Way: Next-generation Developments in VLBI
Dr Jack Radcliffe – UK SKA Regional Centre (UKSRC) research scientist at the University of Manchester and senior lecturer at the University of Pretoria
Monday the 13th May 2024 at 19:30 GMT (19:30 UTC) – The Recording can be found on the BAA You Tube Channel Here (it will open in a new window)
Python for Muons #4 – Presenting findings using Jupyter notebooks and the web. Rupert Powell
Github repository for the files associated this this course
Monday the 6th May 2024 at 19:30 GMT (19:30 UTC) – The Recording can be found on the BAA You Tube Channel Here (it will open in a new window)
Python for Muons #3 – Analysis & charting muon data using python. Rupert Powell
Friday the 3rd May April 2024 at 19:30 GMT (19:30 UTC) – The Recording can be found on the BAA You Tube Channel Here (it will open in a new window)
“SKA precursors, the Zooniverse and some machine learning…” by Alexander Anderson
Monday the 2nd April 2024 at 19:30 GMT (19:30 UTC) – The Recording can be found on the BAA You Tube Channel Here (it will open in a new window)
Python for Muons #2 – Reading muon data using python. Rupert Powell
Monday the 15th April 2024 at 19:30 GMT (19:30 UTC) – The Recording can be found on the BAA You Tube Channel Here (it will open in a new window)
Python for Muons #1 – Connecting Raspberry pi to PC. Andrew Thomas & Richard Knott
Associated notes can be found here
Friday the 5th April 2024 at 19:30 GMT (19:30 UTC) – The Recording can be found on the BAA You Tube Channel Here (it will open in a new window)
The October 14, 2023 Solar Eclipse Effects on VLF Radio Propagation Whit Reeve
Friday the 1st March 2024 at 19:30 GMT (19:30 UTC) – The Recording can be found on the BAA You Tube Channel Here (it will open in a new window)
Fast Radio Burst – new data from the Astropeiler Stockert Observatory Dr Wolfgang Herrmann
Friday the 5th Jan 2024 at 19:30 GMT (19:30 UTC) – The Recording can be found on the BAA You Tube Channel Here (it will open in a new window)
Recent endeavours for the search for the H-1 line. Andrew Thornett
Home built Cherenkov radiation muon detector. Martin Bertges
Friday the 1st Dec at 19:30 GMT (19:30 UTC) – The Recording can be found on the BAA You Tube Channel Here (it will open in a new window)
Quasars, black holes, and future of the Milky Way
Prof Clive Tadhunter
Department of Physics and Astronomy
University of Sheffield
Monday the 13th Nov at 19:30 GMT (19:30 UTC) – The Recording can be found on the BAA You Tube Channel Here (it will open in a new window)
Deep Science at Boulby Underground Laboratory The search for Dark Matter and Beyond.
Prof. Sean Paling STFC UKRI Boulby Underground Lab
Recent endeavours for the search for the H-1 line
Andrew Thornett
Friday the 6th Oct at 19:30 GMT (18:30 UTC) – The Recording can be found on the BAA You Tube Channel Here (it will open in a new window)
Square Kilometre Array Observatory at Jodrell Bank & National Astronomical Observatory of Japan
Dr. Asayama, Shinichiro
Supplementary information
BAA RAG Zoom on Thursday the 8th June at 19:30 GMT (18:30 UTC) – The Recording can be found on the BAA You Tube Channel Here (it will open in a new window)
Planetary atmospheric electricity: lightning and ionisation around the solar system
Prof. Karen Aplin
Department of Aerospace Engineering, Bristol Univ.
Karen is an interdisciplinary physicist with expertise in innovative instrumentation as applied to problems in space and atmospheric science.
BAA RAG Zoom on Friday the 05th March at 19:30 GMT (18:30 UTC) – The Recording can be found on the BAA You Tube Channel Here (it will open in a new window)
Meteors and Fireballs The UK Fireball Alliance aims to recover freshly fallen meteorites in the UK.
Led by staff of the Natural History Museum, UKFAll is a collaboration between the UK’s meteor camera networks.
Dr Luke Daly MSc Geology, ARSM, FRAS
Lecturer Planetary Geoscience
co-lead of the UK Fireball Network
School of Geographical and Earth Sciences
University of Glasgow
BAA RAG Zoom on Friday the 31st March at 19:30 GMT (18:30 UTC) – The Recording can be found on the BAA You Tube Channel Here (it will open in a new window)
What gravitational waves can tell us about the universe
Dr John Veitch
Senior Lecturer
Institute for Gravitational Research
School of Physics & Astronomy, University of Glasgow
BAA RAG Zoom on Friday the 3rd March at 19:30 GMT (19:30 UTC) – The Recording can be found on the BAA You Tube Channel Here (it will open in a new window)
Citizen Science and Radio Jove – The Science and instrumentation for a Radio exploration of Jupiter
Dr. Chuck Higgins
Middle Tennessee State University
Physics and Astronomy Dept.
BAA RAG Zoom on Friday the 3rd Feb at 19:30 GMT (19:30 UTC) – The Recording can be found on the BAA You Tube Channel Here (it will open in a new window)
Imaging of black holes with the Event Horizon Telescope
Dr. Ziri Younsi
UKRI Stephen Hawking Fellow
Mullard Space Science Laboratory
University College London
BAA RAG Zoom on Saturday 21st Jan at 10:00 GMT (10:00 UTC) – The Recording can be found on the BAA You Tube Channel Here (it will open in a new window)
An Introduction to Radio Astronomy
Dr Wolfgang Herrmann, Astropeiler Stockert Observatory, Germany
BAA RAG Zoom on Friday 6th Jan at 19:30 GMT(18:30 UTC) – The Recording can be found on the BAA You Tube Channel Here (it will open in a new window)
HF Meteor Trail Reflections Observed at Anchorage, Alaska USA
Whitham D. Reeve, Anchorage, Alaska USA.
Associated Presentation
UK observations using the new 6m beacon
‘update and phase 2’
Brian Coleman, Meteor Beacon lead
BAA RAG Zoom on Friday 2 Dec at 19:30 BST (18:30 UTC) – The Recording can be found on the BAA You Tube Channel Here (it will open in a new window)
Christmas Lecture
‘Exploring the Dark Ages of the Universe by Radio’
The first stars ever! 400 million years after the big bang. This era has never been observed and constitutes over a billion-year gap in our knowledge.
Dr. Emma Chapman
Royal Society Dorothy Hodgkin fellow based at the University of Nottingham.
BAA RAG Zoom on Friday 4 Nov . 19:30 BST (18:30 UTC) – The Recording can be found on the BAA You Tube Channel Here (it will open in a new window)
Andrew Thomas ‘On Geomagnetism’
Mark Edwards ‘Oct. 9th – an interesting SID event’ – A Bolt from the Blue paper
BAA RAG Zoom on Friday 7 Oct . 19:30 BST (18:30 UTC) – The Recording can be found on the BAA You Tube Channel Here (it will open in a new window)
‘All about Magnetar’s’
By Dr Samuel Lander, Theoretical astrophysicist. Univ. East Anglia.
BAA RAG Zoom on Friday 2nd Sept . 19:30 BST (18:30 UTC) – The Recording can be found on the BAA You Tube Channel Here (it will open in a new window)
‘An X-ray view of the Universe’
By Dr Helen Russell, School of Physics & Astronomy Nottingham University
BAA RAG Zoom on Friday 5th Aug . 19:30 BST (18:30 UTC) – The Recording can be found on the BAA You Tube Channel Here (it will open in a new window)
‘Radio Astronomy group Chippewa Valley Astronomical Society’
By Peter Peloquin
BAA RAG Zoom on Friday July 1st . 19:30 BST (18:30 UTC) – The Recording can be found on the BAA You Tube Channel Here (it will open in a new window)
‘Cosmic neutrinos – messengers from the cosmos arriving in Antarctica’
By Prof. Jim Madsen, Executive Director Wisconsin IceCube Particle Astrophysics Centre. (WIPAC)
BAA RAG Zoom on Friday June 3rd. 19:30 BST (18:30 UTC) – The Recording can be found on the BAA You Tube Channel Here (it will open in a new window)
‘LOFAR: how high-resolution radio observations can help us understand supermassive black holes’
By Dr. Leah Morabito, UKRI Future Leaders Fellow and Asst Prof Durham University
BAA Radio Astronomy Section Zoom held on Friday May 13th. 19:30 BST (18:30 UTC) – The Recording can be found on the BAA You Tube Channel Here (it will open in a new Window)
‘muons; Detection, Cosmology, Tomography, Navigation and Civil Engineering’. By Professor Lea Thompson, Department of Physics and Astronomy. University of Sheffield
Andrew Thomas introduced the UKRAA Cosmic muon Detector, for further information visit –
BAA RAG Zoom Conference held on Friday 1st April at 19:30 BST (18:30 UTC) – The Recording can be found on the BAA You Tube Channel Here (it will open in a new Window)
…on Fast gamma ray bursts Carole Mundell is Professor of Extragalactic Astronomy at the University of Bath. She is an observational astrophysicist who researches cosmic black holes and gamma ray bursts.
By Prof. Carole Mundell
BAA RAG Zoom Conference Held on Friday 4th March at 19:30 GMT (19:30 UTC) – The Recording can be found on the BAA You Tube Channel Here (it will open in a new Window)
Ice Crystals at the edge of space – Noctilucent Arora and Clouds and Polar Mesosphere Summer Echoes
By Dr David Hooper (David is a STEM ambassador working for the STFC at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory.)
The main presentation was followed by Sandra Brantingham, Noctilucent Section Director.
This was a joint session with the ‘Arora and Clouds and Polar Mesosphere Summer Noctilucent Cloud’ Section of the BAA.)
BAA RAG Zoom on Feb at 19:30 GMT (19:30 UTC) – The recording can be found on the BAA You Tube Channel here (it will open in a new window)
Chris Steyaert – VHF Meteor Observations, the IMO, and correlation
BAA RAG Zoom Conference held on the 15 Jan 2022 at 14:00 UTC – The recording can be found on the BAA You Tube Channel here (it will open in a new window)
Marcus Leach – Canadian Centre for Experimental Radio Astronomy ‘GNU II Training seminar more mysteries of GNU Radio’
BAA RAG Zoom Conference held on the 07 Jan 2022 at 19:30 UTC – The recording can be found on the BAA You Tube Channel here (it will open in a new window)
Alexander Josephy ‘CHIME, Magnetars and Fast Radio Bursts’ Alex has done major foundational work both on CHIME and scientifically.’
Real Time Alert Systems information can be found here
BAA RAG Zoom Conference held on the 10 December 2021 at 19:30 UTC – The recording can be found on the BAA You Tube Channel here (it will open in a new window)
Prof. Anna Scaife. Professor of Radio Astronomy at the University of Manchester and Head of the Jodrell Bank Centre for Astrophysics – ‘Jodrell Bank, the cold war and the space race’
BAA RAG Zoom Conference held on the 3 December 2021 at 19:30 UTC – The recording can be found on the BAA You Tube Channel here (it will open in a new window)
Dr Richard Russell – Deep Space Exploration Society (DSES) ‘Pulsars for Galactic Navigation’
Associated Material
Pulsar Navigation Russel 2021 Presentation
‘SARA presents…’ Pablo Lewin Building a Radio Telescope for H1 observations
Associated Material
Building a Radio Telescope for H1 observations presentation
Additional material can be found here (its quite a large download)
BAA RAG Zoom Conference held on the 5 November 2021 at 19:30 UTC – The recording can be found on the BAA You Tube Channel here (it will open in a new window)
‘The Physics, Analysis and Imaging of Solar flares. A perspective for Radio Astronomers – Prof Lyndsay Fletcher – Glasgow University School of Physics and Astronomy
BAA RAG Zoom Conference held on the 1 October 2021 at 19:30 UTC – The recording can be found on the BAA You Tube Channel here (it will open in a new window)
‘The changing environmental conditions in near-Earth space – Dr. Gemma Richardson Space Weather scientist in the British Geological Survey geomagnetism team ’
BAA RAG Zoom Conference held on the 3 September 2021 at 19:30 UTC – The recording can be found on the BAA You Tube Channel here (it will open in a new window)
‘HAARP High-Frequency Active Auroral Research – Whit Reeve’ Exploring the obscurities of the upper atmosphere
High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) – PDF is here
HAARP Capabilities – PDF is here
BAA RAG Zoom Conference held on the 23 July 2021 at 19:30 UTC – The recording can be found on the BAA You Tube Channel here (it will open in a new window)
‘e-Callisto a Radio eye for Solar Activity – Christian Monstein’
BAA RAG Zoom Conference held on the 25 June 2021 at 19:30 UTC – The recording can be found on the BAA You Tube Channel here (it will open in a new window)
‘On the tricky question of Pulsars – Peter East OBE FREng’
BAA RAG Zoom Conference held on the 28 May 2021 at 19:30 UTC – The recording can be found on the BAA You Tube Channel here (it will open in a new window)
Current Observations from Astropeiler Stockert – Wolfgang Herrmann
Deep Space Exploration Society website (
The groups publications are on: DSES Publications – Deep Space Exploration Society
They have a 60 ft. dish in which we have been observing pulsars, neutral HI.
Also, EME and Tropospheric radio transmissions.
They also have a science and engineering meeting 2 X a month that has a significant number of radio astronomy science lectures.
DSES posts – Deep Space Exploration Society
BAA RAG Zoom Conference held on the 14 May 2021 at 19:30 UTC – The recording can be found on the BAA You Tube Channel here (it will open in a new window)
Hydrogen-Line Observations and Instrumentation – Brian Coleman
BAA RAG Zoom Conference held on the 23 April 2021 at 19:30 UTC – The recording can be found on the BAA You Tube Channel here (it will open in a new window)
Geomagnetism ~ Earth’s Magnetic Field and the Sun – Whitham D. Reeve
BAA RAG Zoom Conference held on the 09 April 2021 at 19:30 UTC – The recording can be found on the BAA You Tube Channel here (it will open in a new window)
SIDs and TIDs – the ups and downs of the ionosphere – Mark Edwards
BAA RAG Zoom Conference held on the 26 March 2021 at 19:30 UTC – The recording can be found on the BAA You Tube Channel here (it will open in a new window)
Radio Meteor Detection collaboration Project – John Berman – Presentation is here
Endeavors In Understanding the Experiment – Mike German – Presentation is here
Meteor Scatter– Philip Norton – Presentation is here
BAA RAG Zoom Conference held on the 12 March 2021 at 19:30 UTC- The recording can be found on the BAA You Tube Channel here (it will open in a new window)
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