The Great Storm 2010-2011. Strip Maps

The 2010-2011 apparition was noteworthy as a great storm occurred in the planet’s northern hemisphere. This was the sixth occurrence of this type of storm which are often described as Great White Spots.
Due to the importance of this storm and to fully illustrate its evolution, strip maps were prepared for each month from December until June although those for March, April and May each comprised two parts. A combined map for July and August was also prepared.
These maps were derived using the highest resolution observations for a particular time band and day. Generally colour observations were used but some filter and visual observations were also included.
The WinJUPOS software was used to convert these observations into map segments, using equi-rectangular projection, planetographic latitudes from 10 to 60 degrees and the System III longitude system. These segments were then combined into the strip maps.
The observer of each map is noted. Other observers who observed at the same time are shown in brackets.
The following gives the hyperlinks to each strip map.
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