White Light Flare & Dynamic Sun Challenges

Two challenges were set during the Solar Section Meeting in 2023 February:

– White light flares.  With more complex sunspot group expected to appear over the next few years, the chances of X and M type flares appearing are higher, some of which may also appear in white light as well as in Hydrogen Alpha (Hα).  Thus, observers are encouraged to observe in white light if they see a bright Hα flare. Observations of any white light flares should be sent to the Director Lyn Smith.

– Capturing the Dynamic Sun.  This is to encourage the observation of how solar features change over time.  In white light, the appearance of sunspots groups can change from day to day while in Hα features can also change from day to day but also over hours or even minutes. This challenge is to run from 2023 May to 2023 September with submitted drawings or images being included in this page, the Section Newsletter and in the Journal.

Examples of the dynamic sun are shown below (most recent at the bottom of the page):

Active Prominence, Roger Samworth, 2023 February 9

Solar Flare – Andy Devey 2023 May 10, 12:50 to 15:45 UT

Active Prominence – Dave Smith 2023 May 18, 12:04 UT

Active Prominence – Dave Smith 2023 June 8, 11:57 UT

Active Prominence – Dave Smith 2023 June 10, 10:35 UT

CaK Prominence – Nic Spencer 2023 June 14, 0630-0815 UT

Active Prominence – Dave Smith 2023 June 14, 09:29 UT

Active Prominence – Dave Smith 2023 June 15, 09:29 UT

Active Prominence – Roger Samworth
Sequence of Hydrogen Alpha images for 2023 June – Roger Samworth
Solar Flare in AR 3340 on 2023 June 26 a 1621 to 1714 UT – John Arnold.

Eruptive Prominence on 2023 July 12 from 0854 to 0905 UT – Brian Halls
WL animation of AR 13663 showing the Evershed effect within the penumbra on 11th July 2023 11:03 to 13:18 UT – Andy Devey
CaK C-class flaring around AR 13387 and AR 13386 near the western limb and material flowing away from the penumbral areas of AR 13391 and AR 13392 on 6th August 2023 (3.5 hr duration) – Andy Devey
Eruptive prominence – Roger Samworth
Eruptive Prominence on the Eastern Limb on 10th August 2023 at 16:33 to 17:37 UT – John Arnold.

Large Prominence on 15th September 2023 – Roger Samworth
Eruptive Prominence on 21st September 2023 – Roger Samworth.
Prominences and Spicules on 5th October 2023 from 08:16 to 10:57 UT – Andy Devey

Active Prominence, 26th January 2024, 11h 40m to 12h 34m UT – Dave Smith

AR 3590 in white light and hydrogen alpha on 23rd February 2024. Roger Samworth.

Active Prominence. 2024 March 15. Roger Samworth.
AR 3643 in Hydrogen Alpha. 2024 April 18, 0733 – 0831 UT. Dave Smith.
Roger Samworth

Flare in AR 13664 on 2024 May 9th. 0848 to 1016 UT. Andy Devey.
Solar Flare in AR 13664 on 2024 May 11, 1209-1212 UT. Dave Smith
AR 13664 near the western limb on 2024 May 13, 1014 UT. Dave Smith.
AR 3697 on 2024 June 2, 0810 – 0920 UT. John Arnold
AR 3697 on 2024 June 8, 1515 – 1737 UT. John Arnold.
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