VSS Circular Index Editions 115 to 138
Content Author Edition Page
100K Reflections | Peter Williams | 124 | 4 |
2004 Variable Star Section Meeting | Denis Buzynski, Roger Pickard | 120 | 4 |
31 Cygni, Eclipse | Alex Vincent | 115 | 18 |
A star is born. A guide to Young Stellar Objects | Mike Poxon | 123 | 18 |
A Peranso, Light Curve | Gary Poyner | 124 | IFC |
A Variable Star Observing History – an Observer Profile | Tony Markham | 117 | 7 |
AAVSO Acronyms De-mystified in fifteen minutes | Mike Simonsen | 136 | 11 |
AAVSO and the BAAVSS Joint meeting | 11th April 2008 | 136 | 8 |
AB Andromedae Primary Minima | Ian Megson | 134 | IFC |
AB Dra, New Chart | John Toone | 117 | 10 |
AB Dra, New Chart | John Toone | 116 | IBC |
AG, Draconis | Melvyn Taylor | 129 | 10 |
Albert Jones DSc | Roger Pickard | 121 | 2 |
Algol Eclipse Observation | Tony Markham | 121 | IBC |
Algol, My favorite star | Melvyn Taylor | 129 | 20 |
Alston Hall 2004 Meeting Report (Part 1) | Karen Holland | 123 | 28 |
Alston Hall VSS Meeting 2004 Report | Karen Holland | 124 | 11 |
AM Her, Light Curve | Gary Poyner | 125 | IBC |
Analytical Mentors Needed | Karen Holland | 128 | 3 |
Authors, VSSC notes for | Karen Holland | 127 | 24 |
AW Sagittae, Outburst in August 2007 | C Lloyd and R D Pickard | 134 | 35 |
BAA Exhibition Meeting photographs | Roger Pickard | 133 | 2 |
Beta Lyrae, AAVSO vsots | Arne Henden | 132 | 6 |
Binocular Priority List | Melvyn Taylor | 115 | 18 |
Binocular Priority List | Melvyn Taylor | 116 | 17 |
Binocular Priority List | Melvyn Taylor | 117 | 13 |
Binocular Priority List | Melvyn Taylor | 118 | 17 |
Binocular Priority List | Melvyn Taylor | 119 | 26 |
Binocular Priority List | Melvyn Taylor | 120 | 25 |
Binocular Priority List | Melvyn Taylor | 121 | 28 |
Binocular Priority List | Melvyn Taylor | 122 | 24 |
Binocular Priority List | Melvyn Taylor | 123 | 5 |
Binocular Priority List | Melvyn Taylor | 124 | 17 |
Binocular Priority List | Melvyn Taylor | 127 | 22 |
Binocular Priority List | Melvyn Taylor | 128 | 21 |
Binocular Priority List | Melvyn Taylor | 129 | 29 |
Binocular Priority List | Melvyn Taylor | 130 | 29 |
Binocular Priority List | Melvyn Taylor | 131 | 21 |
Binocular Priority List | Melvyn Taylor | 132 | 28 |
Binocular Priority List | Melvyn Taylor | 133 | 28 |
Binocular Priority List | Melvyn Taylor | 134 | 44 |
Binocular Priority List | Melvyn Taylor | 135 | 29 |
Binocular Priority List | Melvyn Taylor | 136 | 28 |
Binocular Priority List | Melvyn Taylor | 137 | 19 |
Binocular Priority List | Melvyn Taylor | 138 | 27 |
Binocular Variables, In Spring | Tony Markham and Melvyn Taylor | 127 | 11 |
Binocular Variables, In Summer | Tony Markham | 128 | 3 |
Binocular, Priority List. | Melvyn Taylor | 125 | 20 |
Binocular, Priority List. | Melvyn Taylor | 126 | 29 |
BM Cas, Eclipse of | Alex Vincent | 118 | 16 |
Book Review: Observing Variable Stars by Gerry Good | Gerry A Good | 117 | 12 |
BQ Orionis Light Curve | Gavine, Liversey, McCalman,Shanklin, Taylor, Toone. | 137 | 11 |
British Variable Star Association 1848 – 1908 | John Toone | 136 | 14 |
Butterworth, Charles Frederick FRAS, The life and times. | Gary Kewin | 134 | 24 |
BY Cam, Light Curve | Gary Poyner | 127 | IBC |
BZ UMa | Gary Poyner | 120 | 7 |
Carbon Miras, Long Term Monitoring | Dr Tom Lloyd Evans | 136 | 18 |
Cataclysmic Variables from Large Surveys: A Silent Revolution | Dr Boris Gaensicke | 136 | 18 |
Cataclysmic Variables, Some Recent Experiences | Dr Chris Lloyd | 134 | 16 |
CCD Camera, An Introduction to measuring Variable Stars | David Boyd | 134 | 16 |
CCD Data Base meeting summary | Karen Holland | 128 | 12 |
CCD Database, VSS | Andrew Wilson | 127 | 5 |
CCD Mentoring Scheme | Karen Holland | 122 | 25 |
CCD Observing Methods, A Personal Account | Graham Salmon | 119 | 23 |
CCD Observing, Introduction | Roger Pickard | 138 | 5 |
CCD Photometry Meeting, Report on the Joint VS/I&I section | Mark Sherborne, Stan Waterman | 121 | 13 |
CCD Photometry Spreadshee, The BAA VSS | David Boyd, Richard Miles, Andrew Wilson. | 121 | 6 |
CCD Photometry Symposium, Details of | Roger Pickard | 119 | 1 |
CCD Photometry Working Group | Karen Holland | 115 | 11 |
CCD Photometry, First Steps in | Jerremy Shears | 123 | 12 |
CCD Symposium | Roger Pickard | 120 | 4 |
CCD Target List, New VS Section | Jeremy Shears | 130 | 8 |
CCD Target lIst, Revised. | Karen Holland | 125 | 7 |
CE Lyncis | John Toone | 134 | 9 |
CE Lyncis new chart | John Toone | 134 | 10 |
Cepheid Variable Stars in M13 | Francisco A. Violat Bordonau, Toni Bennasarandreu | 116 | 11 |
Cepheids, Two | Des Loughney and Janet Simpson | 124 | 8 |
CG Cam, Light Curve | Gary Poyner | 129 | IFC |
CG Draconis, A Particularly Active Dwarf Nova. | Jeremy Shears | 126 | 8 |
CH Cyni Light Curve | Melvyn Taylor | 131 | 20 |
Chart News | John Toone | 126 | 14 |
Chart News | John Toone | 130 | 6 |
Chart News | John Toone | 134 | 7 |
Chart News | John Toone | 138 | 19 |
Chart News | John Toone | 121 | 4 |
Chart News (including new charts for SU UMa and SS Cyg) | John Toone | 116 | 2 |
Chasing Rainbows, The European Amateur Spectroscopy Scene | Robin Leadbeater | 136 | 15 |
Chi Cyg, Why Fades | Maurice Gavin | 130 | 20 |
Chi Cygni: My Favourite Star | Chris Allen | 135 | 14 |
CI Cyg, Light Curve | John Saxton | 117 | IBC |
Close Companions to Variable Stars | John Toone | 135 | 4 |
CN Orionis, New chart. | John Toone | 122 | IBC |
Cosmos is the Classroom, The | John Toone | 118 | 6 |
CY Aquarii, 1981 – 1982 | John Howarth | 134 | 37 |
Cygus, Some variable stars in | Stan Waterman | 133 | 20 |
CZ Orionis, New Chart | John Toone | 122 | IFC |
Data Input | Roger Pickard | 120 | 4 |
Database News | John Saxton | 124 | 2 |
Database News | John Saxton | 119 | 5 |
Delta Cephei, 2007 | Des Loughney | 134 | 33 |
Details of Alston Hall 2004 VS meeting | Roger Pickard | 119 | 2 |
Director : Circulars on CDROM, From the, | Roger Pickard | 119 | 1 |
Director, From the VSS | Roger Pickard | 115 | 1 |
Director, From the VSS | Roger Pickard | 117 | 1 |
Director, From the VSS | Roger Pickard | 118 | 1 |
Director, Five Years as Director | Roger Pickard | 121 | 1 |
Director, From the VSS | Roger Pickard | 122 | 1 |
Director, From the VSS | Roger Pickard | 123 | 1 |
Director, From the VSS | Roger Pickard | 124 | 1 |
Director, From the VSS | Roger Pickard | 125 | 1 |
Director, From the VSS | Roger Pickard | 126 | 1 |
Director, From the VSS | Roger Pickard | 127 | 1 |
Director, From the VSS | Roger Pickard | 128 | 1 |
Director, From the VSS | Roger Pickard | 129 | 1 |
Director, From the VSS | Roger Pickard | 130 | 1 |
Director, From the VSS | Roger Pickard | 131 | 1 |
Director, From the VSS | Roger Pickard | 132 | 1 |
Director, From the VSS | Roger Pickard | 133 | 1 |
Director, From the VSS | Roger Pickard | 134 | 1 |
Director, From the VSS | Roger Pickard | 135 | 1 |
Director, From the VSS | Roger Pickard | 136 | 1 |
Director, From the VSS | Roger Pickard | 137 | 1 |
Director, From the VSS | Roger Pickard | 138 | 1 |
Director: Janet Mattei 1943-2004 | Roger Pickard | 120 | 1 |
DO Dra, Recurrent Object News: | Gary Poyner | 120 | 6 |
DSLR Camera, V photometry Experiments | Des Loughney | 136 | 5 |
Dusty Toads | Mike Simonsen | 137 | 12 |
DY Per, Light Curve | Gary Poyner | 125 | IFC |
Eclipsing Binaries, Finding in NSVS Data | Patrick Wils | 136 | 13 |
Eclipsing Binaries, Observational Challengies | Des Loughney | 136 | 9 |
Eclipsing Binary Light Curves | Tony Markam, Michael Clarke | 131 | IFC |
Eclipsing Binary News | Des Loughney | 130 | 2 |
Eclipsing Binary News | Des Loughney | 133 | 3 |
Eclipsing Binary News | Des Loughney | 134 | 5 |
Eclipsing Binary News | Des Loughney | 135 | 3 |
Eclipsing Binary News | Des Loughney | 136 | 4 |
Eclipsing Binary News | Des Loughney | 137 | 4 |
Eclipsing Binary News | Les Doughney | 138 | 2 |
Eclipsing Binary News | Des Loughney | 131 | 3 |
Eclipsing Binary News | Des Loughney | 132 | 3 |
Eclipsing Binary Predictions | Tony Markham | 115 | 18 |
Eclipsing Binary Predictions | Tony Markham | 124 | 18 |
Eclipsing Binary Predictions | Tony Markham | 125 | 21 |
Eclipsing Binary Predictions | Tony Markham | 127 | 26 |
Eclipsing Binary Predictions | Tony Markham | 128 | 22 |
Eclipsing Binary Predictions | Tony Markham | 129 | 29 |
Eclipsing Binary Predictions | Des Loughney | 130 | 30 |
Eclipsing Binary Predictions | Des Loughney | 131 | 22 |
Eclipsing Binary Predictions | Des Loughney | 132 | 25 |
Eclipsing Binary Predictions | Des Loughney | 133 | 33 |
Eclipsing Binary Predictions | Des Loughney | 134 | 45 |
Eclipsing Binary Predictions | Des Loughney | 135 | 30 |
Eclipsing Binary Predictions | Tony Markham | 123 | 30 |
Eclipsing Binary Predictions | Tony Markham | 122 | 25 |
Eclipsing Binary Predictions | Des Loughney | 121 | 29 |
Eclipsing Binary Predictions | Tony Markham | 119 | 27 |
Eclipsing Binary Predictions | Tony Markham | 118 | 18 |
Eclipsing Binary Predictions | Des Loughney | 117 | 17 |
Eclipsing Binary Predictions | Des Loughney | 116 | 18 |
Eclipsing Binary Predictions | Des Loughney | 138 | 28 |
Eclipsing Binary Predictions | Tony Markham | 120 | 26 |
Eclipsing Binary Pridictions | Des Loughney | 136 | 29 |
Eclipsing Binary Pridictions | Des Loughney | 137 | 20 |
Eclipsing Binary Programme, Reduction in Size. | Tony Markham | 119 | 11 |
Eclipsing Binary Star, Possible. | Alex Vincent | 129 | 23 |
Eclipsing Dwarf Novae ProgrammeUpdate | Roger Pickard | 132 | 11 |
Eclipsing Variable in Lyra, New. | David Boyd | 126 | 16 |
Eclipsing, Binary Predictions. | Tony Markham | 126 | 29 |
EK Cep light curve | Tony Markham | 135 | IFC |
Ensemble Photometry – What is it and Why use it | David Boyd | 135 | 15 |
Epsilon Aurigae Eclipse, Variable Star Spectroscopy, | Robin Leadbeater | 138 | 6 |
ES Aql, Light Curve | Gary Poyner | 126 | IBC |
Eta Geminorum, 2004 Eclipse | Tony Markham | 124 | 10 |
Eta Geminorum, The 2004 Eclipse of | Tony Markham | 120 | 17 |
EUVE J0854+390 Lyn | Jeremy Shears | 127 | 9 |
EW Eclipsing Binaries: Constructing a light Curve | DesLoughney | 138 | 9 |
Exo-Planet Transit Search Programme, An | Stan Waterman | 122 | 8 |
Frank Bateson and the RASNZ Meeting at Tauranga in 2004 | John Toone | 123 | 6 |
Frank M.Bateson (OBE FRAS FRASNZ) 1909-2007 | Roger Pickard | 132 | 19 |
From ‘Signalling to Mars’, to Making Variable Star Observations | Janet Simpson | 120 | 10 |
From the Director | Roger Pickard | 116 | 1 |
GK Persei, New Chart | John Toone | 137 | 14 |
Gravitational Microlensing: Natures Telescope | Dr Martin Hendry | 133 | 18 |
Group Photograph | Mrs Hazel McGee | 136 | IFC |
GSC 3656-1328 (Var Cas 06), Low Resolution Spectra of | Robin Leadbeater | 132 | 16 |
GSC 3656-1328, The Micro-Lensing Event | Christopher Lloyd | 130 | 12 |
GX Cas , CCD Light Curves | John Saxton | 123 | IBC |
GY Cnc, CCD Light Curves | John Saxton | 123 | IBC |
HD 221670, A Possible Eclipsing Binary, Comment on | Christopher Lloyd | 130 | 28 |
Hidden Magnetic Accretors in V426 Ophiuchi and LS Pegasi | Darren Baskill | 124 | 6 |
HP Lyrae is a Pulsating Star | Tristram Brelstaff | 131 | 16 |
HR Delphini, My favorite star. (Missing in my copy) | 129 | 22 | |
HS 1857+7127, A Dwarf Novae in Draco | Gary Poyner | 132 | IFC |
HST and Ground Campaigns on CV’s | Paula Szkody | 136 | 8 |
HT Cassiopeiae, Outburst in January 2008 | Jeremy Shears | 135 | 11 |
IBVS 5301 – 5346 | Gary Poyner | 115 | 17 |
IBVS 5347 – 5419 | Gary Poyner | 117 | 14 |
IBVS 5420 – 5440 | ? | ||
IBVS 5441 – 5488 | Gary Poyner | 121 | 20 |
IBVS 5534 – 5614 | Gary Poyner | 124 | 15 |
IBVS 5615 – 5637 | Gary Poyner | 127 | 22 |
IBVS 5662 – 5700 | Gary Poyner | 129 | 25 |
IBVS 5701 – 5735 | Gary Poyner | 131 | 18 |
IBVS 5736 – 5756 | Gary Poyner | 132 | 18 |
IBVS 5757 – 5779 | Gary Poyner | 134 | 42 |
IBVS 5780 – 5800 | Gary Poyner | 135 | 28 |
IBVS 5780 – 5820 | Gary Poyner | 137 | 15 |
IQ Per, Light Curve | Tony Markham | 128 | IFC |
Iras 21443+4349 Light Curve | Gary Poyner | 131 | 24 |
KP Cas, Outburst, | Martin Mobberley | 138 | 24 |
KV Dra | Gary Poyner | 120 | 7 |
L414: A new Red Variable Star in M13 | Violat Bordonau, Francisco; Bennasar Andreu, Toni. | 115 | 8 |
Letters | Mike Peel | 123 | 27 |
Letters | Rob Peeling | 120 | 25 |
Letters | Tony Markham | 119 | 11 |
Letters | Alex Vincent | 118 | 10 |
Linearity Tests on Starlight Xpress Cameras | Richard Miles, John Saxton. | 123 | 20 |
LL And | Gary Poyner | 120 | 8 |
Long Period Eclipsing Variables, Minima of | Tony Markham | 130 | 16 |
Long Term Polar Monitoring Programme | Gary Poyner | 137 | 8 |
Long Term Polar Programme News | Gary Poyner | 134 | 4 |
LS Pegasi, Hidden Magnetic Accretor | Darren Baskill | 126 | 10 |
M31 Nova of December 18th, 2003, The Apparent | Martin Mobberley | 119 | 14 |
Magnetic CVS | Dr Boris Gaensicke | 129 | 7 |
Micro-Lensing Event of GSC 3656-1328 | Christopher Lloyd | 130 | 12 |
MisV1147, A new addition to the Telscope Programme | Gary Poyner | 115 | 3 |
My Favourite Star | Gary Poyner | 130 | 14 |
My Favourite Star | Jeremy Shears | 131 | 6 |
My First, and 100,000th Observation | Peter Williams | 123 | 17 |
New BAA VSS Alert Group | Roger Pickard | 119 | 3 |
New Variable Star Programme, ICCE putting the New back into. | Chris Jones | 125 | 4 |
NGC 5584, Supernova in 2007 | David Boyd | 133 | 11 |
NSV 7883 (Her), Light Curve | Gary Poyner | 125 | IFC |
NSV 7883 The Nature of; | C. Lloyd, K Kinugasa and G. Poyner | 135 | 24 |
OJ+287 Observing campaign by BAAVSS | Gary Poyner | 126 | 13 |
OJ+287 Update | Gary Poyner | 131 | 16 |
One Year On | Clive Beech | 132 | 13 |
OO Aquilae, Current Period of, | Des Loughney, Laurent Corp | 138 | 21 |
OW Gem, Secondary Minimum | Alex Vincent | 127 | 4 |
P Cygni, A Note for binocular observers: | Janet Simpson | 132 | 24 |
Peer to Peer Astronomy Education | Pamela Gay | 136 | 10 |
Peter Wheeler | Roger Pickard | 120 | 4 |
Photoelectric Photometry of some Eclipsing Binaries | Cahit Yesilyaprak, Timur Sahin. | 121 | 10 |
Photometric Precision, What can I Achieve? | David Boyd | 119 | 18 |
Photometry of V2362 Cygni using Faulkes Telescope North | Des Loughney | 133 | 5 |
Photometry of Vega and Beta Lyrae, A Hard Days Night: Day to Day, | Richard Miles | 134 | 28 |
Photometry, Daytime of Variable Stars | Dr Richard Miles | 133 | 4 |
Pickard’s New Observatory | Roger Pickard | 118 | 3 |
Pro-Am Liason Committee | Roger Pickard | 119 | 3 |
Project Quixote – Update | Roger Dymock | 123 | 2 |
Project Quixote, A Variable Star Section Pilot Project | Roger Dymock | 120 | 9 |
Q1997/11: The Period of Suspected Eclipsing Binary | C. Lloyd, R Koff, R Huziak, R D Pickard, D R Boyd, S Dvorak and M Collins. | 135 | 26 |
R Aquilae, New chart (1 deg) | John Toone | 129 | 28 |
R Aquilae, New chart (9 degs) | John Toone | 129 | 27 |
R Scuti Light Curve | Melvyn Taylor | 137 | 10 |
R Scuti New chart | John Toone | 134 | 43 |
Radio Astronomers, Invitation to Collaborate with | Peter King | 120 | 5 |
Recurrent Objects News | Gary Poyner | 124 | 3 |
Recurrent Objects News | Gary Poyner | 131 | 5 |
Recurrent Objects News | Gary Poyner | 119 | 8 |
Recurrent Objects Progamme | Gary Poyner | 127 | 6 |
Recurrent Objects Progamme | Gary Poyner | 129 | 4 |
Recurrent Objects Progamme | Gary Poyner | 130 | 4 |
Recurrent Objects Progamme, News | Gary Poyner | 126 | 6 |
Recurrent Objects Programme News | Gary Poyner | 134 | 4 |
Recurrent Objects Programme News | Gary Poyner | 137 | 3 |
Recurrent Objects Programme News | Gary Poyner | 117 | 3 |
Remote Observer, Week in the life of | Martin Nicholson | 136 | 13 |
Report on the 2003 Meeting of the Variable Star Section | Rob Janueswski | 120 | 13 |
Report on the Joint VS/I&I section CCD Photometry Meeting (Part 2) | Gary Poyner, Karen Holland | 122 | 4 |
Rho Cassiopeiae, light curve 1982 to 1991 | Melvyn Taylor | 136 | 24 |
ROP News – An Update | Gary Poyner | 123 | 4 |
RR Lyrae, Observations in Aug/Sept 2005. | Des LougHney | 126 | 21 |
RS Ophiuchi, Explosions of the Recurrent Nova | Mike Bode | 136 | 21 |
RT Cancri, New chart | John Toone | 138 | 25 |
RZ Cas light curve | Tony Markham | 135 | IFC |
RZ Cas, Eclipse Light Curve | Janet Simpson | 124 | 21 |
RZ Cas, Eclipse of a Binary Star | Janet Simpson | 125 | 13 |
RZ Cas, Eclipsing Binary Light Curves | Des Loughney | 120 | IBC |
RZ Cas, Period of in 2005 – 2006 | Des Loughney, Janet Simpson and Melvyn Taylor | 129 | 14 |
RZ Cas, Phase Diagram | John Howarth | 138 | 26 |
S Scuti New chart | John Toone | 134 | 43 |
S5 0716 +714, Flickering in | John Toone | 121 | 12 |
S5-0716+71, A Most Active AGM | Gary Poyner | 134 | 40 |
S50716+71, Light Curve | Gary Poyner | 127 | IFC |
S5-0716+71, new chart | John Toone | 134 | 39 |
SAO 64632 – A New Variable Star in the Field of U Coronae Borealis | Francisco A Violat Bordonau, David Violat-Martin | 131 | 8 |
Scutum, A new Infrared Variable | Ian Miller | 134 | 22 |
SDSS J080434+510349 Lyn, 2006 Superoutburst | Jeremy Shears | 128 | 10 |
Section Meeting Announcement | Roger Pickard | 117 | 2 |
Section Secretary, Position Vacant | John Saxton | 127 | 4 |
Semi-regular Variables, Periods of, A CCD Target List Project | Albert A Zijstra and T.R. Bedding | 115 | 5 |
Solar Section, BAA Out of Town with AAVSO/VSS | Roger Pickard | 137 | 6 |
Sources of Scatter and Error | Tony Markham | 119 | 25 |
Sources of Scatter and Error (part 1) | Tony Markham | 118 | 11 |
Sources of Scatter and Error (part 3) | Tony Markham | 120 | 20 |
Sources of Scatter and Error (Part 4) | Tony Markham | 121 | 22 |
Southern Variables | Tom Richards | 138 | 2 |
SS Aurigae light curve | John Saxton | 115 | IFC |
SS Aurigae, New Chart | John Toone | 123 | IFC |
SS Cyg, New Chart | John Toone | 117 | 11 |
Stella Magnitudes, Effects of Varying Observing Conditions on Observing | Ron Livesey | 138 | 10 |
Stroke of Luck, A. | Martin Crow | 126 | 19 |
SU Uma, New 20′ Chart | John Toone | 119 | IFC |
SV Lyncis light curve 1971 – 2007 | Melvyn Taylor | 134 | 13 |
SV Lyncis new chart | John Toone | 134 | 10 |
SV Sag, New Chart 10′ | John Toone | 128 | 4 |
SV Sag, New Chart 30′ | John Toone | 128 | 5 |
SW Setanis Stars, New results and Proposed Observing Campaign | David Boyd | 136 | 12 |
SW Ursa Majoris, My favorite star | Robert Patterson | 129 | 23 |
SX Herculis light curve | Melvyn Taylor | 136 | 25 |
SX Uma – Help! | Graham Salmon | 130 | 22 |
T Cononae, Borealis Revisited | John Toone | 138 | 13 |
Telephone alerts | Gary Poyner | 137 | 2 |
Televue Radian Eyepiece | Des Loughney | 128 | 14 |
The Long and Winding Road – an Observer Profile by Mike Simonsen | Mike Simonson | 116 | 6 |
TV Cas, Light Curve | Tony Markham | 128 | IFC |
TW Cas, Eclipsing Binary Light Curves 2003 | Tony Markham | 120 | IFC |
TW Cas, Light Curve | Tony Markham and Michael Clarke | 130 | IFC |
TX Canum Venaticorum, new chart | John Toone | 136 | 27 |
TY Vul, ROP: 2005 July Outburst. | Jeremy Shears and Gary Poyner | 125 | 2 |
TYC 3181 1907: A New Variable Star in Cygnus | David Boyd | 135 | 21 |
TZ Per new chart | A. Henden | 115 | 16 |
U Boo, New 1° Chart | John Toone | 119 | IBC |
U Boo, New Chart | John Toone | 116 | IFC |
U Delphini and EU Delphini | Melvyn Taylor | 137 | 16 |
U mon, Light Curve | John Saxton | 117 | IFC |
U Orionis light curve | John Saxton | 115 | IBC |
UK Alert Group | Gary Poyner, Roger Pickard | 118 | 2 |
UK Nova and Supernova Patrol, Digital Search and Milstar5 | Guy Hurst | 125 | 17 |
UK Virtual Observatory | Dr Peter Allan | 134 | 18 |
Unreconstructed Visual Observer, An – an Observer Profile | Mike Gainsford | 122 | 2 |
UV Per new chart | John Toone | 115 | 14 |
UY Cen, A discovery? | John Toone | 115 | 1 |
UY Cen, A little background | Tom Lloyd Evans | 115 | 2 |
UY Cen, Observations of | Albert Jones | 115 | 2 |
V Aquilae New chart | John Toone | 134 | 43 |
V1251 Cygni Outburst | Martin Mobberley | 138 | IFC |
V1329 Cyg | Gary Poyner | 119 | 16 |
V1363 Cyg – A CCD Target List Project | Gary Poyner | 117 | 4 |
V1413 Aql, Light Curve (eclipse) | Gary Poyner | 126 | IFC |
V1413 Aquilae,The 2006 Eclipse of | Gary Poyner | 131 | 19 |
V1663 Aql, Light Curve. | Gary Poyner | 125 | IBC |
V2 Cepheid in M13 | Francisco A Violat Bordonau | 128 | 16 |
V2362 Cygni:a 2006 Nova in Cygnus | Guy Hurst | 129 | 12 |
V2467 Cygni (=Nova Cygni 2007) | Guy Hurst | 132 | 2 |
V2576 Oph, An Unexpected Nova | Peter Williams | 128 | 6 |
V377 Cas, Light Curve | John Saxton | 118 | IBC |
V390 Mormae (=N. Nor2007) | Nick James | 133 | IFC |
V426 Ophiuchi, A Professional Request for Observations | Robert Smith | 119 | 4 |
V462 Ophiuchi, Hidden Magnetic Accretor. | Darren Baskill | 126 | 10 |
V482 Cyg, Light Curve | Gary Poyner | 129 | IFC |
V723 Cas, Light Curve | Gary Poyner | 126 | IBC |
V838 Monocerotis, The Enigmatic, | Dr Arne Hendon | 133 | 17 |
Variable Star of the Year – a correction | John Toone | 118 | 2 |
Variable Star Section Circular Notes for Authors | Karen Holland | 132 | 22 |
Variable Star Section Meeting, 2004 | Denis Buzynski, Roger Pickard | 121 | 5 |
Variable Star Workshop | 138 | 4 | |
Variable Stars in the Cepheus Flare | Mike Poxon | 118 | 8 |
Variable Stars, Why | Roger Pickard | 138 | 4 |
Visitors from Overseas | 136 | 23 | |
Visual Database-Electronic Submission of Observations | Clive Beech | 133 | 30 |
VS Papers, Recent published. | Hazel McGee | 129 | 26 |
VS Section Meeting 2006, Partial Report | Clive Beech | 130 | 26 |
VSS CCD Photometry Working Group, An Update of the Activities of the | Richard Miles | 117 | 16 |
VSS Database Input Software Availability | John Saxton | 123 | 5 |
VSS Meeting 2007, Part 1. Sizing Up Extra Solar Planets | Professor Andrew Collier Cameron | 132 | 14 |
VSS Meeting, Summary of 2005 | Karen Holland | 127 | 13 |
VSS Officers Meeting, Summary | Melvyn Taylor | 122 | 20 |
VSS Officers Meeting, Summary on 5th Nov 2005 | Karen Holland | 127 | 17 |
VSSC 126, Erratum in. | Roger Pickard | 127 | 5 |
VSX J074727.6+065050: A newly Discovered Dwarf Nova | Jeremy Shears | 135 | 7 |
Vulpeculae, 2007 Nova Spetra, | Robin Leadbeater | 133 | 28 |
VW Cephei | Des Loughney | 135 | 13 |
W Cephei, Light Curves | Melvyn Taylor | 138 | 18 |
W Crucis, Eclipsing Binary Light Curves 2003 | Tony Markham | 120 | IFC |
X Per, New Chart (9 degs) | John Toone | 129 | 19 |
Z And, Light Curve | Gary Poyner | 126 | IFC |
Z Cam, New Chart | John Toone | 121 | IFC |
Z Cam, New Chart | John Toone | 118 | IFC |
Z Dra, Light Curve | Tony Markham and Michael Clarke | 130 | IFC |
Z Ursae Minoris | Gary Poyner | 132 | 20 |
Z Ursae Minoris Comparison Graph | Gary Poyner | 137 | IFC |
ZU Ma, Light Curve | Scottish Observer Team | 124 | IFC |
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